Woke Up to the Best Morning Ever

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Jimin woke up at around 11am to a note posted by his door.

We felt guilty to wake you both up because you both seemed so tired. We all had to go out and run some errands. We left food in the fridge for you guys to microwave and eat. Jimin, sunshine, we love you. And Yoongi, feel at home. –Mrs. Park

Jimin laughs at how cute his mom is. He really missed this. Being showered with love from his family.

Jimin then looked back to his bed and saw Yoongi still fast asleep, in a fetal position with his hands tucked in between his legs. He had always wondered why his hyung always slept like that. But before dwelling deeper into the thought his stomach growled and he realized that he was hungry. And his hyung just might be as well. He silently slipped out of his room to reheat the food that his mom prepared for the both of them. While setting the table he made sure to also prepare his hyung's brewed coffee just the way he likes it.

With coffee in hand, Jimin went back to his bedroom and carefully woke up Yoongi. He cautiously went to his hyung's side and started waking him up. " Hyung, Yoongi-hyung, you need to wake up its almost 12pm. You need to eat lunch."

Contradicting to what other people think, Yoongi is a light sleeper. He wakes up as soon as someone tries to wake him up. He just pretends to be a sleep and or angry because he's lazy to get up and start his day. Other times, he does this just so he can sleep a little bit longer. But more often than not it's the former.

Yoongi, was ready to shut off the person who wanted to wake him up. He thought he was still in the dorm and that it was just Kookie whom Jin sent to wake him. But to his surprise, he heard a voice like an angel's wake him up and realized that he was not back at the dorm's but at Jimin's.

Lightly shaking him Jimin tries harder to wake up his hyung. "Hyung please wake up. I even made you coffee."

Deep inside him, Yoongi's thought was just how thoughtful Jimin really was. That it was not just his voice but he was indeed an angel sent from up above.

On the sound of the word coffee, Yoongi started shuffling and peeping through his heavy lids. "Jimin-ah, thank you." The older started sitting up and when he was finally able to focus his eyes on Jimin he felt like he woke up to the best morning ever.

Jimin was staring at his hyung, as the other was shuffling and started sitting up. Jimin can't help but be all giddy inside because he thinks he's successful to wake his hyung to a good mood. He was smiling his fullest then when his hyung looked at him.

"Good morning, hyung. Drink your coffee and let's get you out of bed after the cup. Okay?"


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