"Hey, bud, we just waiting on Allura?" Shiro asked as he stopped to stand in front of Keith. It was just then that Keith caught sight of said waitress. And, boy, was she beautiful. Shiro looked at Keith, confused, before slowly turning to look around. Once his eyes landed on the woman, his jaw practically dropped to the floor. There Allura stood, a nude dress on. It was split in the middle to show a toned stomach, criss-crossed with thin lines of nude fabric. Her glasses were propped up in her nose and her hair was pulled up in a plaited that fell over her shoulder. Eyeliner, glittery eye shadow and rosy red lips had her face looking absolutely stunning. She wore a pair of sparkling white heels to finish the look.

"You're... Beautiful." Shiro said in complete awe without being able to stop himself. Allura smiled shyly at that, looking down and clasping her hands together in front of her when her cheeks turned a soft pink. She then looked up at him through her lashes with a look hat had Shiro blushing himself.

"You're saving a dance for me tonight." Allura said, walking over to lean up to kiss his cheek. If Shiro was only barely blushing before, he was full-on rivalling a tomato now. She then looked at Keith and smiled. "Let's get this show on the road then? I'll go get Lothoe's attention."

'You won't have any problem with that.' Came a voice over their comms. Lance. Keith couldn't help but smile fondly, something he immediately covered with a scowl. 'You're looking drop-dead gorgeous.' Where was he? Keith turned his head around in search for him. 'Don't even try, mullet, I'm pretty well hidden. You're working with a thief here,a skilled one at that.' Keith rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, Lance." Keith replied, "Get into position."

'Bossy, bossy.' Lance sighed over the comm. Keith made to respond but a harsh 'sh' from Allura had him slamming his mouth shut. He looked back to look at her to see her linking her arm with Shiro and shooting a smile in Keith's direction. Her hand rose and she wriggled her finger in a 'come on' gesture before starting to drag a blushing Shiro down the path to the mansion. 'Have fun, my comrades.' The grin that was sure to be on his face was evident even in his words.

Keith followed the duo in front of him, forcing himself to stop the smallest of smiles when he watched the two bump their shoulders together and laugh as though they'd known each other for years. At one point, Allura rested her cheek on Shiro's shoulder as they walked. Shiro even tried to make sure he didn't jostle her too much by leaning to her side slightly to make it easier. It was sweet. Shiro practically melted every time she smiled, almost always choked when she spoke to him. He wanted to impress her but he was so worried he'd do something wrong and look like a creep. Maybe it was easier for her to hide it but there was no way Allura didn't feel the same way to the man. Come on, they practically looked like a couple as they walked.

As soon as they walked through the door, they were met with a wall of sound. The doors opened to reveal a spacious hallway, the walls lined with paintings of colour-filled sunsets or a lone boat on a still ocean. The ceiling was arched, a glass chandelier hanging from the middle and catching the coloured lights just right that it cast pretty shadows along the walls. There was a spiral staircase leading to the second floor, being cut off for entry by a red ribbon being tied to either side. People filled the place, dancing to the beat of the music or downing glasses of alcohol. The opposite end of the hall opened up into a large living room from the looks of it with a massive fireplace. People were sat on the couches, some sitting on others. The room looked as though it had become a DJ area, a woman standing with headphones on and jamming out to the beats she was creating.

Keith had only been in there for five seconds and he already hated it. Partying wasn't big on his to do list. This was probably more of Lance's forté. He'd probably have more understanding of party etiquette. Keith looked towards the place with the least people, a gap underneath what looked like a family portrait with a young Lotor. Zarkon, Lotor's father, had his hand on Lotor's shoulder while his deceased wife, Honerva, stood beside him staring at the camera intensely. The smallest of smiles was on her face yet it held such fondness. The painter caught the perfect essence of a mother. Keith then looked to the place that seemed most crowded, the centre of the hallway. If he wanted to go unnoticed, he'd have to take station in the middle of the crowd. Jeez, he hated this.

As he made his way into the crowd, he caught sight of Shiro and Allura splitting before going their separate ways. Allura, almost as soon as she found a good spot, started to dance. She swayed her hips to the beat, ran her hands up the sides of her body as her eyes roamed over the crowd in search of Lotor. Keith did exactly the same except, he bobbed awkwardly to the beat with his hands stuck firmly at his sides. He didn't know where to put his arms. In the air? No, that would look stiff. Like mentioned before, partying wasn't big on his to do list. In fact, it wasn't on it at all. Call him boring but he didn't want to take part in over-drinking and all that jazz, thanks.

When he finally caught sight of Lotor, the man was leaning against the wall on the right side of the hallway. He had a shot glass of what looked like vodka in his hand and his eagle-like eyes had zoned in on Allura. His tongue ran over his lips and his head tilted slightly as he watched Allura move like a predator watching its prey. Keith felt sorry for Shiro because, if he saw the way Lotor was looking at Allura like something he needed to devour, he wouldn't be happy. Allura must've caught his eye because the corners of his lips twitched upwards in a smirk and he pushed off the wall with his foot. He was wearing a lilac suit lined with sparkling purple gems. He wore a chain necklace with a large jewel just on the end of it.

Lotor's movements were languid and fluid like a snake as he approached Allura. He brought his glass to his lips and tipped his head back to let the alcohol slide down his throat before practically dropping the glass. The glass shattering bothered no one. Keith adjusted his glasses. That glass could be a safety hazard. Sad thing they couldn't arrest him for vandalising his own home. As soon as Lotor was close enough to Allura, his hands found her hips and he pulled her body close to his, rolling his body against hers in a fluid motion. Keith felt like he was going to be sick. This guy was disgusting.

Lotor had taken the bait. Keith ducked his head, doing his best to stay hidden. When his eyes flickered up again, his eyes targeted the jewel around Lotor's neck. The light coloured, practically translucent gem rested nicely against where Lotor's heart was. If he had a heart, that is. Keith highly doubted it. Murderers don't even have any excuse of a heart. This man was going to pay for what he'd done. He was going to rot in prison, far away from parties and the alcohol and drugs. Somewhere he would have to spend time with himself. And only himself.

That was when it hit him. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the gem. Fuck...

"He's wearing the Quintessence gem. I repeat, he's wearing the quintessence gem." Keith said into his comms.

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