Chapter 13

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mrc2 Note:
voltron s4 comes out tomorrow
im scrEAmIng
i need to see mah children in action

hunk better get some good screen time or i will scrEEch

also hello hi, here's a gift to y'all
party party rave boii

Keith walked towards up the slope, sticking on the pavement as he approached the mansion. He pushed the glasses up his nose, looking up to where he could see the mansion. Bright, multi-coloured lights illuminated on the marble walls and Keith could already hear the music. If it was loud out here, what would it be like inside? Keith mentally whispered an apology to his ears. He let his eyes trace over the outline of the building's outline. It was large, definitely, it reminded Keith of something you'd see in some type of chick flick's rich girl house. As he approached, he saw people practically pouring into the house, all dressed up in glitter and bright colours.

Pidge had gone back to alert the chief of the force about the plan, chief was more than pleased with it. That was a first. One reason being because they seriously had to get the gem back and the other was the fact that the chief would do anything that meant he could get the evidence to arrest Lotor. So, the thumbs up from Boss Man was all they needed for the final push in the plan. They were all set.

Pidge had also given them an 'earring' each, just a clip-on black stud. Though it looked like a normal earring, it wasn't just a simple decoration to the ear, it doubled as a intercom-type way to talk with the others that were taking part in the plan. Pidge and Hunk seriously had been really busy with these.

Keith was wearing a plain black shirt with a a small surprise at the back - there was a large gaping job which gave everyone a nice view of his back - and pair of black ripped-jeans to match. On top of his shirt and hiding the back, he wore a red leather jacket. To think Hunk had managed to get this outfit set up had him questioning his own fashion sense. With his hair pulled back into a small ponytail by a red hair band and some combat boots to finish off the look, he had never looked this good. Keith was never one to care about his appearance, he was always the type to just "fuck it" and go with whatever so it was a weird feeling to think that he actually really liked this look. He wondered if Lance would think so too. Come to think of it, Keith didn't know what Lance was wearing. That was something he was lowkey excited to find out.

Don't think about that! Think about the mission. Wait for the signal from Allura before sneaking through to the rest of the mansion to find the Quintessence Gem and get evidence on Lotor's wrongdoings. He had to make sure Lotor didn't see him. Keep his head down and steer away from the host to avoid him recognising him. Lance wasn't going to be coming in with them, he'd be recognised way too quickly if he was seen. At least Keith and Shiro had a chance of not being noticed. If Keith was being honest, he was worried for Lance. His sister was murdered by the man who was hosting the party. Keith's mind flashed back to when they watched Gabby get bloody shot without being able to do anything to prevent it. The way Lance had broke down made his fingers curl into fists. Lotor was going to pay for that.

Coming to a stop beside the gate that opened up to the pathway leading up to the mansion. Keith watched as people walked passed, unbothered by the crowd of unfamiliar faces. They weren't worth his attention at the moment, he was looking for those few familiar faces in the crowd. Lance wasn't anywhere to be seen, good. His thieving stealth was being put to the test for this plan.

It wasn't too long before he saw a tuft of white in the crowd coming towards him. Shiro pushed his way passed the continuous clump of people, breaking through the people with a large gasp of air as if he'd just come up from being under water for ages. He grinned when he saw Keith, regaining his composure and walking over to his partner with a wave. Keith took a moment to admire how well Shiro's grey and black clothes fitted his structure. Like, seriously, this guy could suit everything!

Arrest Me, Officer {Klance}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora