'Cause I love you

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"I am so sick and tired of this." I yelled as my feet stomped into the kitchen, an angry Demi following me the entire time. Me and Demi were at it again. Fighting had become a regular routine for us and I was sick of it. I was so sick of her putting her fans, her job and Selena before me. I had tried to be an understanding girlfriend, I had tried to push down my emotions, I had tried to swell everything that she had put me through down but it was too hard. I couldn't handle her as a girlfriend anymore. For my own sake,I had to end this... And that's what sucked the most.
Demi sighed and rolled her eyes as I grabbed a glass cup and made my way to the fridge. I heard her mumble something under her breath and slammed the fridge door shut , looking at her. "You wanna repeat that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I said" Demi repeated, "That you're such a drama queen." She yelled at me and I gasped. "I'm a drama queen? I'm a drama queen?" I yelled back, not at all caring if the neighbors could hear us or at the fact that I was now in her face.
"Yeah, you are." Demi yelled back. "I mean god Y/N! Is there ever gonna be a day where I can just come home and not worry about having to scream?" Demi yelled out in one breath, her vain in her forehead throbbing and if it wasn't for me being the reason for it, I would've told her how hot she looked with it pulsing... But I couldn't.
"Well, I am so sorry that you have to come home to me Demi." I shouted sarcastically throwing my arms in the air as I yelled. Demi opened her mouth with an expression that said 'It's not like that.' But I continued to yell.
"Wasn't it you who wanted us to date? Wasn't it you who wanted us to move in together? Wasn't it you who kept saying that we can make this work? Well guess what Demi? We can't make this work anymore! We can't! It can't work out like you say it will!" I screamed and felt tears well in my eyes as I saw Demi stare at me in shock. We may have gotten into fights on a daily bases but never have we've gone as far as to talk about us not being able to work out anymore. Demi's eyes welled up and overfilled with tears as she shook her head at me.
"Don't say that Y/N. We can still make this work... W-We can talk to someone, we can go out again, we can-" I cut her off.
"NO! No we can't Demi!" I yelled at her, feeling angry at her and the world and most of all at myself. "Look around you Demi, I'm not happy, you're not happy... We're both hanging by a thread and we both know it..." I whispered, my voice cracking as I finally felt the tears fall down my cheeks. I didn't bother wiping them, knowing that there was still more to come.
"S-So... What are you saying?" Demi whimpered out in a stutter. I stayed quiet, too chocked up to even try and open my mouth.
"I don't kno-" I was cut off by a phone ringing.
Demi stared at me for a moment and I cleared my throat. "It's not mine." I whispered, my eyes looking anywhere else but her. I started to find interest in the floor as I felt Demi's eyes burn a hole in the side of my face.
"I-It's mine..." Demi whispered after a moment, her phone being squeezed in her hand as she just looked at it. "It's Selena..." She trialed off, looking at it then me. I started to shake my head. I swear if she answered that phone...
"H-Hello?" Demi sniffled as she answered it. I bit back my lip in angry.
"Wow." I whispered as I shook my head. "You don't even have time to fight with me..." I said , shaking my head again finding this whole situation painful. Demi cleared her throat as she pulled the phone away from her.
"Y/N..." She trailed off and I just held up a hand, looking away from her and down at the floor.

"Just stop..." I whispered, my voice breaking off at the end. I ran away from her and made my way upstairs. My movements were lightening fast as I grabbed a suitcase from our walk in closet and threw it on the bed. I started opening drawers, throwing different clothes into the case, crying the entire time. As I zipped up my suite case, my other hand pressed down on the button 3 on my phone, speed dialing my best friend Y/F/N.
I explained as much as I could to her as I made my way down stairs. Demi was sitting on the couch, her head in her hands as I got my coat on.
"W-What are you doing?" Demi asked as if she was scared of the answer.
"I'm leaving you." I stated as strong as I could. Her eyes closed, tears streaming down her face.
"Baby, you don't have to do this... We can make it work!" Demi said. Just then  I heard the horn of my cab. Demi walked over to me. "Just-Just tell the cab to leave and me and you can go back upstairs and unpack everything." I shook my head, moving away from her hands that were trying to touch my face.
"No. We're done." I whispered, grabbing my luggage and walking to the front door.
"Y/N please! I need you." Demi yelled out after me but I was already out the door.

"I feel so bad..." Y/F/N said as I sat on the guest bed with her, talking and crying, pretty much just acting pathetic. Y/F/N gave my hand a firm squeeze. "You can stay with me for as long as you need to. Okay?" She said and I gave her a small smile. I am so grateful to have her as a friend.
I was pretty tired with everything that had happened today. So I was getting ready to go to sleep, not even caring that it was only 6:44pm. I felt like a zombie, and I just wanted to crawl under the covers and stay there for about seven years... Maybe even a little more. Y/F/N went downstairs to check on the tea he was making for the both of us when I heard the doorbell ring.
I stayed still in my bed as I heard mummers come from downstairs. I heard two pairs of footsteps come up the stairs, and I held my breath, already having a pretty good idea of who was with Y/F/N.
"Thanks for calling." I heard her voice whisper before hearing a small 'don't blow it' from Y/F/N. The door opened and I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep.
"Y/N?" Demi questioned. I tried to keep my eyes closed , my breathing even but it was kind of hard.
"Y/N, I know you're awake." Demi continued. I heard her sigh when she realized that I wouldn't be giving myself up any time soon. "Fine." She said lowly, and I felt the edge of the bed dip slightly.
"You know... When I first saw you, I thought that there was no way a girl like you would ever want to be with someone like me." Demi whispered, I could feel her hand moving up and down my arm.
"Y/N when you said yes to going on that date with me, that was the happiest day of my life." She said and I could hear the smile on her face.
"I always thought that you could do better then me. I always knew that you were just too good for me, too perfect. I never wanted to be the one to hurt you or make you mad. I wanted to be that person that could help you when things got too hard... Just like you did for me. Every morning I woke up so grateful to have you and the day we moved in together? Y/N , I had the biggest grin on my face. You have to believe that. I know you think that those feelings are gone now, but baby they haven't gone anywhere..." She said; I had to mentally fight against opening my eyes.
"Y/N, I may not be there to take you out anymore, and I may not be there to hold you at night anymore but you need to understand that you are still my everything. I still need you Y/N... You're starting to become my entire life and I'm not even scared about how strong that feeing is because I am so fucking in love with you and that will never change. Please believe that." Demi continued and I could feel tears seeping out from the corners of my eyes. I felt a soft finger wipe the tear away and I sniffled lightly as I finally opened my eyes.
"Demi," I crocked out. "If I'm gonna take you back, then we really need to work things out. I need to know that things are going to change, that this isn't just some scam to try and get me to go back to you. If I'm your everything then I need to be treated like it again, okay?" I asked, laying down the ground rules, and Demi was quick to nod her head.
"I swear, things will change." Demi said and I smiled at her. "I love you , Y/N." She whispered, her eyes showing nothing but honesty.
"I-" I was cut off by a phone ringing. Demi looked at me for a moment. "It's not mine." I whispered feeling a sick turn in my stomach that maybe things wouldn't change.
"It's Selena..." Demi trailed off. She looked at the phone, then back at me. She stood up and took my hand with her, leading the way to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom.
"This is my first step." Demi stated before throwing her phone in the toilet! I stared at it in shock , I couldn't believe she just did that! And for me too! I felt oddly happy about it though...
Demi walked with me back to the bedroom, I jumped on the bed on my knees in front of her. "Thank you." I whispered before pulling her in for a kiss.

"You and me need a break..." Demi mumbled against my lips. "We need to go somewhere that's safe and warm and full of love..." She continued to speak in between kisses. "I think that I should take a break for a few months and you and I should go traveling, spend sometime alone..." I smiled as I continued to kiss her, feeling over-joyed.
Soon me and Demi fell back onto the bed, our kissing coming to an end as we laid with each other.
"I love you Y/N... Never forget that Okay?"
"I love you too Demi. So much."

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