Chapter 5

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"Oh they have a large popcorn combo for 800 jewels!" Natsu exclaimed
"It comes with 2 medium drinks and a candy bar. How about it (y/n)?"
"Sounds great!"
"I don't know if I'll be able to finish it though"
"Don't worry, I have a big appetite" Natsu said with a grin on his face
"God he's so cute" I thought

Erza was in front of us
"Hello, do you guys by any chance sell cake? Strawberry specifically perhaps?" Erza asked
"Do you really think they'd sell cake at a movie theater?" Gray asked
"Maybe they do ok!?"
"Erza can get agressive when it comes to her 'obsession'" Natsu whispered in my ear
"What did you just say?" Erza punched both Natsu and Gray simultaneously
Lucy just started laughing
The lady behind the counter looked pretty shocked, but had to continue her job.
"Uhm. I'm sorry miss, we don't sell those here" the lady kind of backed away a bit after saying that
"Oh, what a shame. Then I'll just take a medium sprite and a medium sweet popcorn" Erza suddenly seemed completely calm again
"Y-yes right away miss"
"By the way Natsu, why didn't Sting and Rogue come?" I asked
"I honestly don't know. They didn't really give a reason. The just said that they wouldn't be able to make it"
"Oh, okay"
"Hello sir what can I help you with?"
It was Natsu's turn to order
He placed his order, then we waited for Lucy and Gray. We got our 3D glasses and then we were set to go.

"I'm so excited so excited so excited!"
"Ugh why is he so freaking adorable"
I sat down, between Natsu and Gray.
Lucy was next to Gray's other side and Erza was next to her.
After the seemingly endless amounts of commercials, the movie finally began.
"Oh oh! Everyone shhhh it's starting" Natsu said even though everyone was quiet

*30 minutes later*
"This movie is actually pretty good. I mean not that I expected a bad movie since obviously Natsu likes it."
"Huh? Where did the popcorn go?"
I looked down and saw that I was touching Natsu's leg searching for the popcorn
"Oh shit oh shit! I wasn't paying atention"
I looked over to him but he was still looking at the movie
"Did he not notice? Please let that be the case. I should start looking where I put my hand"

*after the movie*
"That was awesome!" Natsu exclaimed
Gray just stretched and looked unamused and relieved to be able to leave.
"Hey Lucy, wake up" Gray said
"You were sleeping!?" Natsu seemed shocked
"Huh what?" Lucy was just starting to wake up.
"You slept through the movie!?" Natsu asked still in shock
"Yeah Natsu, it was a great movie I loved the part with the wizards" Lucy muttered. She was clearly drowzy and most likely hadn't even seen the movie.
"I thought it was pretty ok" Erza said
"Ok is not enough, that movie was so good!" Natsu said
"Did you like it (y/n)?" He asked
"Yes I actually really liked it!"
"Thank you, atleast someone has my taste. Next time I'm going with just you"
"Did he he really just say that?"
"Ok. I wouldn't mind" I said
"Wait really? Well okay. We should some time"
"Anyways! I'm ready to leave" Gray said
"Yeah me too" Lucy said
"I need some coffee to help me wake up"
"Let's go to starbucks!" Erza was really excited
"They do sell cake there" Natsu whispered in my ear
"Ahh that explains it"
"Hey slowpokes let's go!" Somehow Erza was already down the stairs near the exit
"Coming!" Natsu yelled and then he grabbed my arm
"Come on, we gotta hurry before she gets angry" Natsu said laughing while pulling me with him
"Ok I think it's confirmed now, that I have a crush on Natsu. I saw it coming, but now I know for sure"
"Now I just need to find out if he's gay"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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