Chapter 1

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"Wake up we're late!"
"Just five more minutes Lisanna"
"We don't have five minutes now get up!" Mira said
"You can't just enter my room and start yelling"
"Shut up and get ready!" Lisanna and Mira said in unison

Lisanna and I go to the same school. She is one class below me, but yet she's more mature than I am, which is quite annoying. Sometimes she even acts like she's my older sister, even though I'm 17 and she's two years younger.
Yeah she skipped a grade, but that doesn't give her the right to pretend to be my older sister.
Mira and Elfman have been taking care of us since our parents passed away a few years ago.
Our dad went on a business trip and his plane crashed. Meanwhile our mom got sick and passed away shortly after.
Both of them have been like parents to us, but still kinda act as siblings at times. Especially Elfman. They work together and seem to be managing quite well.

"Ugh fine, I'll get ready for school" I said still kinda sleepy
"It's the first day of a new school year at a new school, shouldn't you be there on time?" Elfman said
"Plus you're transfer students, don't you want to make a good first impression?" Mira said

We moved this summer because of annoying neighbors, and it wasn't that safe of a neighborhood to begin with. Now that Elfman is done with school he can work, which will give us some extra money to live in a way better neighborhood.

"Fine fine, I'll be fast"
"I'm going on ahead, I don't want (y/n) to mess up my perfect attendance" Lisanna said

We walk to school since it's 5-10 minutes away. Mira and Elfman use their car to get to work. I prefer walking to school anyway, because it gives me some time to sleep in since Mira and Elfman need to leave earlier than us, with their one car.

"Be careful crossing the street!" Mira said when Lisanna was opening the door
"You better be done soon, Elfman and I are going to work right now"
"Don't forget to pack your lunch, lock the door. Oh and also don't forget that you have to wear a uniform to this school. It's hanging in the closet"
"Yeah ok 'mom'" I said sarcastically
"Just do as she says" Elfman said
"Mira we have to go, now" he said while standing at the door ready to leave
"Ok, remember what I said (y/n)! Have fun at school" Mira said
Then she closed the door.
"Why does she keep nagging so much? I still have like 30 minutes left before school starts" I thought
I went to go take a quick shower and then I ate some bread, brushed my theeth and then changed my clothes.
"This uniform looks so stupid"

We could just wear jeans and which ever shoes we wanted. The top was a button up shirt with our school's logo on it and vest, which was optional, also with our school's logo on it.

I don't actually think it looks that stupid, but our previous school didn't have uniforms which was way better.
After I changed into my uniform I looked at the time.
"Shit! How is it 7:19 already?!"
"Ok doesn't matter, I still have 10 minutes left. I'll just walk a bit faster. Might make it just in time."
I closed the door and then I walked as fast as I could, but not yet jogging. I was about halfway there and then I realized something.
"Wait fuck! I forgot my lunch like Mira told me. Is the door even locked?"
"If she were here right now she'd be so dissapointed"
I basically sprinted back. Got back home and opened the door (it wasn't locked), ran to the kitchen grabbed my lunch, ran back to the door and took a quick look at the time.
"Shit shit shit! 7:24 I'm not gonna make it"
I slammed the door behind me, this time remembering to lock the door. I collected the last bit of adrenaline I had and used it to sprint my way back to school.
I was, again, halfway there and took a look at my watch
"7:27 I just might make it"

And then, as I was looking at my watch, I bumped into someone and we both fell on the ground.
"Oh God, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" I said
"Yeah I'm alright" he said while holding his head
It was a guy about my age. He looked really hot to be honest. Black spikey hair, looked pretty muscular.
"Wait no this is no time to be drooling over some guy. I'm really gonna get late."
"I'm so sorry, I'm really late for school" I said while struggeling to stand up
"I have to go right now. Sorry again!" I said while running away
I saw that he wanted to say something, but I already started running and couldn't waste any more time.
I could finally see the school in the distance
"7:29 shit. I'm almost there"

I finally got there and opened the school door.
Immediately when I entered the bell rang.
"Yes... I made it!" I said completely out of breath
"You still have to enter the class to be on time" He said laughing behind me
"Oh! It's the guy who I bumped into earlier"
"Oh right haha" I said embarrassed
"My name's Gray by the way. I tried to introduce myself, but you ran of" he said smiling
"He's so cute"
"Again, I'm so sorry about that" I said smiling back
"I'm (y/n)"
"Nice to meet you (y/n). Which class are you supposed to go right now?"
"Uhm let take a look, I don't remember"
I went to take a look at my schedule with all my classes on them which I crumpled up somewhere in my agenda
"Uhhh... oh here! Classroom number 6B chemistry. I have no idea where that is to be honest"
"Oh we're in the same class! I'll show you the way" he said
I started following him
"So are you new here or something?" he asked
"Yeah, I just moved here"
"Ah ok. Well I hope you'll enjoy it here"
"I hope so too" I said laughing

Then we reached the classroom and he opened the door. Everyone stared at us.
"Sorry we're late! He was lost and I showed him the way" Gray said and winked at me
"Then it's ok. Now that you know the way, never be late again" the teacher said
He was an old man, he had a deep voice and looked like a very strict teacher.
"U-uh yeah I'm sorry" I said
"Take your seats he said"
There was an empty table somewhere in the middle on the right of the class. Every table had a faucet, two seats and was big enough for two people. Gray and I sat next to eacht other at that table.
"Thanks to you I got a free pass back there" he said whispering and laughing
He was talking about us being late
"From now on the person you're sitting next to will be your partner for the rest of this schoolyear" the teacher said
Gray and I looked at each other
"I guess we're partners now" he said smiling
"He's so nice. Have I made a friend this fast? I'm so happy. This school might be not that bad"

SORRY for the lack of dialog in this one, but it was the beginning and there was a lot of thinking and explaining. Plus you were alone most of the time.
It's really funny to describe something in the reader's point of view, because by doing so I'm saying what you're supposed to feel and see, even though it's supposed to be you. But anyways, hope ya'll enjoy this. Next chapter, more dialog.

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