Chapter 2

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I have no excuses. As an apology I'd like for those who want to, to request any gay fairy tail-themed fanfic. I want to write that one separately from this one, but at the same time as a bonus/apology. Thank you for your patience and enjoy.

"It's lunchtime, the time where the new kids always suffer. I could search for Gray, but I don't know where he is and if his friends even want me there."
"Hey (y/n)!" Gray shouted a few tables away from me. He was waving at me, gesturing me to come join him.

"I must have looked so stupid. I was just standing there, with my food in my hand looking like an idiot not knowing what to do or where to go.
Whatever. He invited me over to his table so he or his friends can't not want me there.
I'm still nervous though, maybe his friends secretely don't want me there.
Aahhh I'm overthinking. Let's justs try to enjoy this and meet new people.
I can see him sitting with his friends as I'm approaching the table. I'm the new kid sitting with my friend's friends, who I don't know"

I walked to Gray's table
"H- hello" I said nervously
I sat down between Gray and a blonde girl
"Hello" the blonde girl was the first to say something
She looked really nice and smiled at me
I smiled back
"Guys, this is (y/n). I just met him yesterday, he's new here. If you guys don't mind, he'll sit with us from now on" Gray introduced me
"My name is Lucy by the way" the blonde girl said
"My name's Erza, nice to meet you"
Erza looked intimidating, but seemed to have some kind of niceness in her somewhere.
"Hi, I'm Natsu"
Natsu, it echoed in my head for a while
"He's so goodlooking, cute pink messy hair, nice smile, hot figure"
"Hey' I'm Sting" He didn't look too pleased that I was here, but didn't look like he would do anything about it
Then it was silent for a few seconds
"And this guy is Rogue by the way" Sting said.
He patted him on the shoulder.
"He's still really shy especially around new people" Natsu said
Rogue looked at me and gave me a semi-smile and then turned his head back really fast
"You never told me where you came from
(y/n)" Gray said
"Oh, I came from Grimoir high"
"Why did you move then?" Erza asked
"Uhm, it was a bad neighborhood and the school wasn't that good either. Our parents passed away and only my sister was working at the time so we didn't have that much money. But now that my brother started working, we were able to get away from there"
"Sounds rough, I'm sorry" Lucy said
"It's okay though, we're fine now" I said
"We're happy to have you here" Erza said
"She's so cool!"
"Yeah, thank you!" Smiling really happy
"Everyone seemed so nice, we talked together and time seemed to be passing so fast"
Then the bell rang
"Oh, well got to go, I need to keep my perfect attendance" Erza said while standing up
"What do you have now (y/n)?" Gray asked
"Uhhh... let me check"
"Geography, class 8C"
"Oh! That's with me" Natsu said
"Aw I have history right now, my teacher is soo boring" Gray said
"Well anyways, just go with Natsu. He'll show you the way" Gray said
We stood up
"I'm so happy, I get to be around Natsu"
Natsu and I walked to class
"You know, for a new kid you made friends pretty fast. That means you must be fun!" Natsu smiled
"He's so nice!"
"Hahaha I guess I'm jusy lucky" I said flustered
Then we arrived in class
"Come sit next to me" Natsu said
Natsu asked the person normally sitting next to him, to change seats. It was a girl with blue hair and ended in curls. She kinda glared at me but then reluctantly got up and sat next to someone else.
"He even got someone to empty a seat next to him for me? Omg am I getting a crush? This fast? No, let me get to know him first before jumping to conclusions"
"Sorry about that" Natsu said
"Her name is Juvia by the way. I hope she doesn't start disliking you. She's a really cool person trust me. It's just sometimes kind of hard to get her to like certain people"
"It's ok" I said
"I'll apologize to her later and hope that I didn't make too bad of a first impression"

Natsu just gave me a cute smile
"I can't believe how cute and nice he is!"
"By the way, is this teacher any good?" I asked
"Well he explains really well, but sometimes he doesn't want to teach so he just shows us a movie or something. It's great actually"
Then suddenly an old man walked in
"Uh hello everyone! I'm mr. Makarov. I'll be your substitute teacher for today. Open your books now on page 45 and read it"
And then he went in this 'I don't care what you do now' substitute teacher mode.
With this he basically meant you're free to do whatever, as long as you stay inside.

"Well, I guess we're basically free to do whatever today" Natsu said
"Yeah" I said laughing
"Hey, I know this is pretty soon since it's your first day, and I know you might be busy at home with unpacking and whatnot. So I understand if you can't, but tomorrow me and my friends, the ones from lunch today, were going to go watch a movie. Wanna come along?"
"That took me completely off guard"
"Uh I would definitely like to go, but I'll have to ask at home first. Could I tell you tomorrow?"
"I can text you the details and then if possible you can tell me today"
"Oh ok that's better" I said
"Ok so here's my number" Natsu wrote his number on my hand
"Smooth move Natsu. Smooth as hell"
"Yes ok thank you!" I said probably way too excited
"No problem. So text me today so I can send you the details"
"Yes, will do"
"Up until now, this has definitely been a really, really great first day of school"

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