Chapter 35: Just Let Me Fight For You

Start from the beginning

"No probs, Izza," Lucio grinned with relief, and wrapped her in a hug. "I knew you wouldn't let the shit hit the fan too bad."

"I'd say I did a pretty good job of letting the shit hit the fan," Isabell punched him in the shoulder and he turned around, activating his skates. He shot past the back of Overwatch, one of his skates angled outwards, slicing with perfect accuracy through the blue cord.

Jamie unsteadily got to his foot, trying to keep balanced with his near-shattered mechanical leg. He staggered and Isabell caught him before he fell, allowing him to lean on her. He stared at her, his explosive golden-brown eyes wide with fear and close to tears, and he whispered, "Please let it be real this time."

"Aw, has the big bad Australian got feelings?" she grinned, and wrapped her arms around him in a bear hug. His fingers dug into her jacket and she couldn't breathe as he held her tight enough to crush her, and he buried his head in her hair. She struggled to support his weight without oxygen as he hung onto her, like if he let go, he'd never see her again.

"Hey," Isabell said softly, "It's okay. I'm here. It's me. It's real."

He took a big, shaky, wracking breath and stood up, holding her face in his hands, the cool metal of his mechanical hand surprisingly gentle on the side of her face. He looked like he wasn't sure whether to glare, laugh or cry.

Instead he said, "If you fuck with my emotions again, Isabell, I will throw you off a fucking bridge."

"I know," Isabell grinned, and before she could do anything else, she was enveloped in a tight hug from behind as Lena's Chronal Accelerator pressed into her back.

"I swear to God I'll kill you," Tracer grinned, shoving her as she broke away. Winston quickly started removing the power surge inhibitor from her Chronal Accelerator, refusing to look her in the eyes.

That was alright. They had time.

She couldn't imagine what it would have been like to watch your own friends look at you like she had.

"Aha!" Reinhardt roared, and nearly killed her as he swept her into a massive bear hug that crushed her like a toothpick. The second she was down, Torbjorn punched her in the shoulder, grinning.

"Maybe you're a little more dangerous than I thought, Isabell," he laughed, swinging his hammer over his shoulder.

"Oh!" Isabell remembered, pulling out a green gun from her belt. "Lucio! I forgot - this belongs to you."

"My boop-gun!" Lucio grinned, overjoyed, and everyone laughed as he snatched it and tested it. Nothing wrong with it - perfect working condition.

"But I thought you smashed it?" Jamie raised an eyebrow.

"Nah," Isabell winked. "I smashed his glasses."

"How did you break out?" Winston asked, lumbering over.

"I reckon it was my radiation," Isabell told him. "Because it has such a bad reaction to Tayanna's energy, it started burning through the blocks in my head and through the collar itself. But if I had've been two seconds too late..."

I thought you were stronger than this.

"Well, you weren't," McCree grinned, and Isabell started producing weapons from her belt and inside her jacket. "Moira really shouldn't entrust her mindless slave with the enemy's weapons. It's careless, really." She handed McCree his shotguns, Genji his katana, Mercy her Caduceus Blaster, Tracer her Pulse Pistols and Torbjorn his hammer and gun.

Her blood turned to ice as an Irish voice echoed behind her.

"You still have a lot to learn, Isabell..."

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