Chapter 29: Infiltration

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Standing around the hologram of the facility, Isabell's stomach was in knots. Mercy had helped her do up her suit to deflect Annayat's radiation as best as possible, and it appeared to be working well.

But Isabell wasn't worried about that.

Overwatch had become her family. And now they were all headed into the biggest battle of their lives - they either succeeded, or the world burned around them. Isabell had no shortage of worries about it. Lucio had volunteered to go with her and Jamie instead of Reinhardt, because he was more useful in a small space and would be better in the thick of the fighting. Even with his calming tunes playing softly through the plane, Isabell couldn't sit still. So many things could go wrong.

They hadn't had any information on Talon in ages. They were basically going in blind. The worst was the worry that they might be biting off more than they could chew - they were expecting to go up against three Talon members at best, four at worst if Doomfist had found them and rejoined. But there could so easily be more that they didn't know about.

"Isabell," Tracer warned. "You look like Winston."

Isabell blinked in surprise, drawn from her thoughts. Tracer winked at her as she pulled on her shoes. "We were all like that on our first few big missions too. You're worrying again."

"Do you expect me not to?" Isabell offered a smile. On the inside, that smile was making her insides roil.

"Don't worry about them," Jamie dismissed. He was sitting on the edge of his seat, calibrating his mechanical leg. "They have Whitebeard with them."

Reinhardt raised an eyebrow, unsure whether to laugh at the nickname or feel pleasantly surprised that Jamie recognized his power. He kind of just sat there with his hammer across his knees, taking up half the aisle, and Jamie stuck his tongue out at him.

"Alright," Winston growled, pointing to different places on the holotable's map of the facility. "Isabell, Jamison, Lucio, you three will skydive in. There's enough fuel in each jetpack to slow down your descent and land you perfectly, but do not use them until you're as close as possible. We can't be detected by their turrets. Once you're in safely, Reinhardt, McCree, Lena, Angela and I will head in through this entrance and cause as much havoc as possible. This will leave the door open for you to get in, and enough of a distraction to let in Torbjorn, Genji and Mei who will come in from behind and surprise any attacks we'll be holding off. We'll keep them distracted while you three find Annayat and get her out. Once you're in the clear, set off your flare - you should have one each - and we'll hightail it out this exit with Reinhardt covering our backs."

Isabell swallowed again and looked at the holovid in the corner showing their trajectory. Three minutes.

"We clear?" Winston asked. Everyone nodded.

Isabell strapped on her jetpack. The controls were simple and she'd practiced with them. But that would be the easy part.

"Cool it, Izza," Lucio reminded, sitting down next to her. "You look like you're about to implode. You've got this. Swoop in, swoop out. I'm with you. Besides, we have the pyromaniac on our side - what could possibly go wrong?"

Just thinking about that question made Isabell dizzy.

Two minutes to drop.

"Alright, everyone ready?" Winston growled, clicking a piece of his suit casing into place. Isabell swallowed as she readjusted her pack straps for the seventeenth time.

"Ready," Tracer nodded seriously, before breaking out in her usual smile. "Let's give them a surprise."

Isabell's breathing grew shaky and she looked out the window at the night sky, the clouds threatening and looking ready to rain the second she stepped out of the plane. The sun having just set left one side of the sky still streaked in light reds and oranges, while the other remained unforgivably black.

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