Chapter 34: Alone

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Jamie groaned. He looked up, raised his head, trying to clear the black spots from his vision. He couldn't believe it - it wasn't real. 

Not his Isabell.

The room was massive, a domed chamber with black walls lit with purple and blue lights. One massive white globe shone down into the room, banishing the colored ones from being anything more than accents to the metal floor. All to Jamie's left were Overwatch - bleeding, mostly, and all on their knees, with glowing blue cord around their wrists and ankles. Even Reinhardt wasn't moving - just staring in disbelief. A titan defeated. At least Lucio was still alive, kneeling to Jamie's immediate left.

Jamie's throat was dry. In front of them were the definition of bad - the worst of the worst. Mostly because they did what they did not out of insanity or even jealousy.

It was purely for fun.

Junkers did lots of insane things for fun, but killing people wasn't one of them. Sure, Jamie's explosions killed people, but it wasn't that part that he enjoyed. It was the fire, the burning, the power of the explosion.

These people killed for fun.

Widowmaker had her Widow's Kiss at the ready, and the satisfaction and anticipation on her face was enough to make Jamie feel sick. She raked her eyes along them, with about as much emotion as a spider should have. Her blue skin almost shone in the light as she stood by Reaper's side.

His mask fitted firmly over his face, shadows swirling at his feet almost just for effect, he stood with his arms folded and guns at his belt. He displayed no emotion except for impatience and hate, practically growling behind the mask.The fact that Jamie couldn't see his face only made him more terrifying, and he stood side-by-side with the new Talon member with the flaming red hair and plumber complex with all her pipes. Tay was there, too - floating about a foot off the ground with closed eyes behind Talon, almost as if she was asleep.

But worst, worst, worst of all was who was backing away from him.

There was no expression on her face - no smile. Somehow seeing her so devoid of everything that made her who she was, seeing her missing an expression, missing love, missing life... That was worse than what any smile could have done to him. Even worse, she wasn't looking at them - wasn't looking at any of them. She wouldn't look at him.

"Oh, just in the nick of time!" the pipe-woman said with a sick delight. "Our new guest is awake."

Jamie didn't even have words. He couldn't speak. He just stared at Isabell's empty eyes, completely without emotion. Look at me, he tried to say. Look at me.

He couldn't even open his mouth.

Jamie was vaguely aware that his mechanical leg was smashed. He could maybe walk on it, but one heavy step would have the last skeletal pieces crushed under his weight. But he didn't care. Not anymore. He'd cut off his other leg if it meant she would just look at him.

From beside him, Lucio made a strangled noise and glanced at him one eye swollen shut. Asking him a thousand questions and more. Questions Jamie didn't want to answer.

He shifted his head, allowing Lucio to see his empty neck in response, and he just turned to look hatefully back at the people in front of them.

Please look at me.

"This isn't a stage performance, Moira," Reaper growled. "Get on with it."

"Of course," Moira - the Irish plumber - said with a stomach-turning smile. "Now, we could collar you all - but where would be the fun in that?"

Overwatch: JinxedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant