Luke buckled his seat belt, while Raina did as well. He flipped some switches and turned on the engine.

"Okay, let's put the coordinates in." He spoke aloud.

Raina watched as Luke punched in the coordinates.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready as ever." She told him.

He nodded and the ship took off into the atmosphere. Soon they were in the blackness of space. The planet was bellow them and getting smaller.

"We're making the jump to hyperspace." Luke spoke.

Raina nodded and pressed a switch. Luke flipped three switches. Suddenly the stars and planets streaked past them and the geez of the engine pushed them back in their seats.

Once they were in hyperspace Luke and Raina unbuckled their seat belts. Luke got up and walked into the small congregating room. He plugged in R2-D2 and the droid began charging. Raina sat down in a chair at a small round metal table. Luke came over to her.

'That's a first.' Raina thought.

He sat down across from her. "So here's what's gonna happen." He began.

'Of course. The mission.' Raina thought again. 

"I've sent a message to the New Republic. They're going to send us the exact coordinates of where the Imperials have the princess. Then once we land near by. We both go in and make an offer." He told her.

Raina nodded.

"Here's what you need to know to keep your true identity a secret. Your name is Mara Jade. Your from Corellia. Your twenty-two years old and you've been a bounty hunter six years." He told her.

"That means I would have started when I was seventeen." She concluded.

Luke nodded. "You became a bounty hunter after you were orphaned at sixteen. After your parents died you went to a bar for a job and there when you were seventeen you met me. I felt bad for you and offered you a job as a partner. You accepted and we've been working together ever since." He explained.

Raina nodded. Luke continued.

"My name is Cliegg Starkiller.-"

Raina grinned at him. "Cliegg Starkiller? Your using your middle name as your fake identity."

Luke shrugged. "Yeah, so?"

Raina shook her head. "Just thought you could be a little more secretive than that."

"It's not like the whole galaxy knows my middle name. Actually you, Leia and Han are probably the only people alive who know." He said.

Raina shook her head a smiled. "Whatever. Go on."

"Anyway. . .my name is Zed Starkiller. I'm twenty five, I'm from Coruscant and I've been a bounty hunter for ten years and I started when I was fifteen. My father was killed in a battle against the rebellion when I was thirteen. My mother raised me until I was fifteen and she tragically died after becoming fatally ill. After that I had to find a way to make good money, so I sold everything I had and bought a ship and a blaster. I've never been back to Coruscant since." Luke said.

Raina took a deep breath. "That's a whole lot to remember." She admitted.

"Yes it is, but you need to. They'll want to ask us a lot of questions before they trust us." Luke assured her.

Raina nodded.

"Alright I'll try." She said.

Luke shook his head.
"No. You won't try. You will do. Remember what Yoda said. Try not. Do it do not. . ."

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Where stories live. Discover now