Chapter 16💟💕

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Nathan's POV
"Damn it Emily! My mum died when I was 8" I blurted out.

It was raining and I was wet, but I didn't care . Emily stopped in her tracks and looked at me as if I had gone mad.

"What?" She said.

Taking a step forward, I replied.

"I remember leaving the house one Friday morning for school. I finished eating breakfast and my mum followed me up to the school bus as usual. She promised to pick me up from school that day and I was so excited. After school hours, I waited and waited for her but she didn't come. I even missed the bus. Just then, a teacher saw me and volunteered to take me home. I declined at first, thinking she would show up at any minute but later I accepted the offer as it was getting dark. I thought maybe she was sick". Reliving all these memories brought tears to my eyes but I quickly held them back.

"Why are you telling me this?" replied Emily,her voice shaking with emotions.

Taking another step towards her,I continued.

"I saw a whole lot of people gathered at our house when we got there. Feeling scared, I ran up to my dad. His eyes were red and swollen, like he had been crying for a long time. Lifting me up, he carried me to my room and sat me down. That was when he told me my mother collided with an incoming tanker that afternoon on her way to my school. He said she died instantly. That moment, I felt my world was falling apart".

"Nathan" said Emily,looking at me.

"I've always carried this guilt in my heart that I was the cause of her death. It was tearing me apart. Then I lost the ability to love. I couldn't put my heart to anything or to anyone. I felt numb to feelings. It even got worse when several years later my dad brought home another wife. I just couldn't love. Not anymore." I replied,walking towards her. My heart was beating fast, which was usual whenever I was around her.

Thunder rumbled. It continued to rain.

"Why are you telling me this?" said Emily, at the verge of tears.

"You said I was complicated. You said I never liked you. Damn it, you said I broke your heart" I said, standing in front of her.

"Nathan you don't have to apolog-"

"Sshh" I said, putting my index finger on her lips.

"For a while now, I've been feeling different around you. It's so new to me and strange. I don't even know what love is" I said, taking another step towards her.

"But if thinking about you all the time, staring at your face with less will to look away, liking the way you yell at me for no reason and how you raise your brows in sarcasm, feeling sweaty and nervous around you means I'm in love with you," I said, taking a final step towards her, "then yes Emily, I am in love with you and all that matters right now, is you" .

I reached out for her cheeks and looked into her eyes. They were stunning. I brushed her cheeks lightly and she closed her eyes.

"Emily, look at me" I said soflty. She hesitated for a second before she opened her eyes and looked at me.

It was still raining.

"Just for one minute Emily, for one minute, forget that I hurt you, or that I'm moving to Washington. For one minute, forget we are standing alone on the sidewalk and that it is raining. Just for one minute," I said, looking at her "forget everything else, but this".

And with that, I kissed her.

Under the rain.

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