Chapter 9👏

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Nathan's POV
Finally, the term's exams were around the corner and I studied hard and wrote well. All too soon, it was time to relax. I was ready to rock n roll...!!
The day being Friday, my friends and I decided to go to a nearby pub to pop open some champagnes as a celebration of our exams.

At 9pm sharp, I was already downing some glasses of champagne with my pals. Feeling exhausted and giddy, I walked into the gents to wash my face and get myself together. Bringing out my phone from my back pocket, I checked up for missed calls and texts and surely, most of them were from my mum. I called her back and the rest was history. After washing my face, I started towards the door when an idea struck me....

Why not disturb Emily a little?

Smiling, I reached for my phone and stared at a blank text message screen. What the hell am I gonna type. Out of options, I texted...


"Hey", replied Emily after some minutes.

"How u?" I asked.

"Do I know you?" She replied. What??
"You don't wanna know" I typed. So she doesn't have my number. 😏

"R u a boy or a girl? " she typed. She really doesn't know I'm the one. Hmm I wonder what her reaction will be when I finally tell her 😏😏.

"It's Nathaniel" I replied, expecting some action.

"Oh... Did you buy a new phone? " she asked sounding cool and relaxed. Someone's grown up.

"Yep" I replied.

"Oh... And you didn't give me your number? " she typed.

Wow she was really sounding cool. You know, I expected her to be like "Omg!!! Nathan it's you!!! I love you!! Muah!! Blah blah blah" but here I am disappointed 😭😭

"Because I already had yours" I decided to continue.

"K. So watcha doing? " she asked.

Boom 💨.......a very tight corner. I wasn't really prepared to tell her I was in a gents chatting with her. I mean it's going to ruin my ego. And lying to her just doesn't seem.... right. Think of something dude.

Just then, Delcro, one of my pals came in...

"What are you doing here? " he asked washing his face.

"Um, nothing", I replied already shoving my phone into my pocket. I also wasn't ready to tell him I was chatting with Emily. Of course they would tease me with her till I die, literally, knowing fully well she's not my type.

"Then come on, let's go have some fun " he said, dragging me along with him. But I need to answer Emily. I hate snubbing.

"Come on dude, I'll be with you in a min. Just wanna finish up some things "I replied.

"Okay, take your time" he said and finally left me alone. What a breath of fresh air 💨

I brought out my phone and replied to her text..

"Nothing, just getting along with some friends"

"K" she replied.

And just as I was about to keep my phone back into my pockets she texted..

"You're such an idiot"


"What did you just type? " I asked her, so shocked.

"You saw it. You're so annoying and a standoffish" she replied back.

What the hell did I do to her??

"Emily.... Don't ever talk to me again in your life. It ends here" I replied furiously. Whats the meaning of this?

"The last time I checked, it ended a long time ago" she replied back. What??

"I'm not done with you" I replied back.
"Meaning? " she typed.

"I'm not impressed at all by what you just did. I don't wanna get mad at you because I respect you.... A lot. But anyway you want it. " I replied back. We are finally on good terms and she's starting another world war 2?? Girls!!

"You are so annoying" she replied back.

Wow!! That really cut me deep. After texting like that which is not something I do often, she insulted my pride..!! What did i even do??

Boiling with anger, I deleted her number and walked out of the gents. So much for looking for Emily's trouble. And of course, I shared the experience with my friends, skillfully excluding the gents part ✌.

***** ******* ******* *****

Ok guys.... End of chapter 9. I really appreciate you all for your lovely comments. Well what do you think? It's kinda sad how they totally misunderstood each other right? Keep on reading to find out...!! 😊 And do you like Nathan? Tell me too in your comments.
Have you tapped that little star at the bottom of the screen? 🌟🌟. If you've haven't it's waiting 😃😃.
Watch out for the next update... In the mean time, keep on reading and voting and commenting. Love y'all.
P's: It's kind of tough for a girl to write a guy's POV. Does it have the thumbs up?? 👍👍

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