Chapter 15💫

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Emily's POV
         "Emily, wait up", called out a familiar voice from behind. I had decided to go home early that day. I just couldn't stay in school where the topic of the day was all about Nathan's travel to Washington. So it really stunned me when I heard my name.

Curious, I stopped in my tracks and turned only to see Nathan walking towards me. At that moment, all I could do was stare. I would have ran away but that would only deepen my embarrassment.

"What is it? " I asked him when he was much closer to me, at least within hearing distance. I was still mad at him for ignoring me.

"Hey" he replied and smiled.

What the hell? Did he just smile? Furious, I crossed my arms and glared at him angrily.

"What is it? " I asked again.

"Are we quarrelling? " he asked me.

Did he just ask me that? What? He was really getting on my nerves. With no reasonable answer to that, I rolled my eyes and looked away, mostly because I didn't want to insult him. He was so annoying and I was angry with him.

"Emily" he called again, looking directly at me

"Oh I thought I was still a manner less brat", I replied sarcastically . For a moment he looked confused before it finally dawned on him.

"Oh, Nina told you" was what he could finally say.

For the fact that he wasn't even denying it or apologizing made me all the more mad at him. With nothing else to say to him, I turned around to go home when he held me by my arms.

"What's up with you? Why're you so.... angry and steamy? " he asked me.

Like what the hell? Steamy? Before I could even reply, he added..

"Besides you called me an idiot and I wasn't angry. So chill out".

I gasped! Is he really trying to get even with me?

"I'm done with you" I replied and was about to walk out when he said" well I'm not finished with you".

That alone made me boil. And for the first time ever,  I decided to pour out my emotions. The sky was already getting cloudy.

"Are you always this crude? This proud? This annoying? Do you think I am one of those girls that you use and throw away like no ones business? Why are you so complicated? Why aren't you straight forward like other guys. Why?? Cutting the phone on me, walking out on me, insulting me, ignoring me, how much more can a girl take? You knew I liked you but why didn't you ever tell me you didn't like me back? No, you had to show me. And now you're acting like you care for me? Wow, because I thought you had no heart. Cant you just leave me alone? I know you don't like me, so cut off the pretenses now. Just go back to school and hang out with your friends. I won't miss you and I'll surely forget about you" I replied bluntly.

I wasn't even in the mood of thinking whether I had made the mistake of telling him how I felt. I just wanted it to be over and done. And because of the intensity of my emotions, I cried right in front of him. And all he could do was stare, wide eyed at me, obviously shocked.

Thunder rumbled.

"One more thing", I said before going back home. "I may probably look awful to you, but that doesn't matter. I hate you and I don't ever want to see you in my life again. You've broken my heart way too much. Have fun in Washington. Get drunk and forget this ever happened. "

Before he could stop me or say anything, I turned to walk out on him. That was when he said...

"Damn it Emily! My mum died when I was 8"

I stopped in my tracks.

And it started raining.

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