Chapter 11😪

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Emily's POV
One week later...
             I think it's time, I thought as I reached over for my phone. It was a sunny day and I was lying flat on my bed, previously reading up a magazine. Probably the best weather for an apology, I thought as I dialed Nathan's number. Nina, being the bestest friend she could ever be, had been pestering me for over one week to apologize to him.

"Grr" came from my phone as I effortlessly rehearsed what I would say in my head. I mean, how hard could it be? 😉

"Hello" said Nathan after two rings.

Omg..!!!!! 😱😱😨😨 He picked his phone...!!! Ok... Breathe Ems.... Breathe....!!! 😷😷

"Hi, it's Emily" I replied, trying to steady my voice.

"I know" replied Nathan.

He was sounding so cold. I don't think I can do this again. What if he hates me?  No he shouldn't hate me...!!! Nina!!!  I need uuuu.

"Um, happy new day", I said clearly not thinking before I spoke.

Maybe now he thinks I'm dumb..???  Noooo 😭😭😭. I wanna cut the call so badly.....

"Same to you " he said.

His voice sounded so much better on phone.
Does mine sound croaky, like a frog?????  Arghhh!!! And I was sweating and shaking. I could literally hear my heart beat.


"Um" I said, breaking the stupid awkward silence.

"Yh? " he replied.

Then it struck me!! I had forgotten what I had rehearsed. End the call, I thought frantically.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry for what I did. You know, I was being childish and immature. Like seriously, I think I went bananas. You know that saying that-"


"Hello? " I said.


"Hey, are you there? " I asked in disbelief. Did he just.... Did he.... What??

OMG OMG OMG NO NO NO, I said, pacing my room. He can't do this to me!!  He hung up on me!!  Me!!!  Who Does That??? This is the worst day of my life, I thought. Then I cried and there was a total blackout!!


"Wake up", came from a familiar voice.

"Wakkkeee upp" persisted the person. Who the hell was that? And it was a familiar masculine voice. Nathan??  In my house??, I thought as I jerked out of bed just to see my Dad beside me.

"You've been sleeping for a long time. I didn't bother to wake you up when I came back from work. Is everything alright? " he asked with concern.

"Oh yes Dad. Thanks", I replied misty eyed.

"Ok, your mum is in the kitchen and thought I should check up on you. You would want to help her out in the kitchen" said my dad.

"Ok dad. Thanks" I replied back.

"Strange.... Ems you never say thanks or call me dad. Either you say 'You're the best' or call me 'Pops'.....are you sure you're okay dear? Or do you miss your brothers? " asked my dad.  Yeah, I call him Pops. It's a Father- daughter thingy😉 .But I wasn't in the mood.

"No dad. Thanks" i replied again.

"Alright.. I'll be in my room if you need anything " said my dad.

Dear Nathan, [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now