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I woke up this morning feeling confident, happy.
I wasn't afraid to go out alone, to walk with everyone and to wear normal and quite fashionable clothes.
No, i felt a little bit better today.

I got Darcey, a friend of mine, to help me get to school cause I was still terrified to trek the streets on my own in broad daylight.
Normally, Luke would escort me but I felt like being brave.
And normally I would send him a message but I felt like being rebellious?
I don't know what I was doing but I didn't feel to good about it- I felt kinda mean.
"Hey Darcey, can we stop in here for a bit?" I said subconsciously motioning towards the unnoticed and almost empty cafe.
"I need a drink" I continued.

Shielding her eyes from the sun and checking her watch, she replied "Um, sure. It is pretty freaking hot and we still have a lot of time"
Beaming at her, I entered and sat at the seat furthest from the window and tied my laces.
"Err... Hey aren't you-"
"Yes, yes I know I'm Isolde Rivera. Now could you..."
I looked up at the face. The face that gave me a strange feeling of content. And a strong urge to touch his cheeks.
I felt my own cheeks burn as I ignored it and replied simply with an, '' Oh. Hi."

"Well this is awkward" said Darcey backing away and breaking the silence,"I'm going to the counter to see what they got."

"Well someone's in a bad mood" stated the boy after Darcey's disappearance act. I giggled blushing again whilst inwardly cursing my girly behavior.
I'm never like that.
"Well if you knew me well enough then you'd know that I'm rarely in a good mood. This is about as good as it gets" I retorted, giggling.
"Oh no. At least I'm getting the better end of the stick?" He replied with a slightly questioning voice.
"Yep"I confirmed and we both laughed.
When the laughter died down he asked; " Can I?"
"Can I get to know you better?"
"Well no-" I began.
"Its okay! I knew it was stupid to ask.." He said quickly, full of embarrassment.
"I was going to say, not unless I get to know you better too"

We both beamed at each other.
And I forgot all about Luke.
We sat together, finally at peace and watched the outside world pass by.
My foot was swinging and happened to touched his.
I left it there.
Then Darcey came.

"I know you'd rather be here making out with this flipping babe model hot machine but we gotta go or were going to be late" she said with no emotion.

My cheeks sizzled pink again as I leapt up, collected my slush from her and waved goodbye as we left.
Then I counted down to the 'darcexplosion' . Three, two, one...
"Oh my actual God. Eying up the freaking hot sauce are we?!"
"Well I'd prefer-"
"I leave you two alone for a bit to come and find you doing what? Knee touching!"
"Hey! Let's be fair. It-"
"Shut up. You can't deny it- I saw it. It may have even only been for a second but it happened,'' she said and as we walked her voice began to fade away whilst I thought.
I thought of who he was and if I'd see him again soon and why.
Why did I care so much?
But whatever the reason was, there was no denying that it was a little bit better today...

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