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I stumbled down the hallway and into class to meet eighteen pairs of curious yet annoyed eyes.
"Late again, Mr Pierre-roux" my teacher stated, "If it wasn't for your status, you'd be drowning under countless detentions."
A few people sniggered.
"Hurry up. Derek, help him catch up please."
The lesson then droned on for forty minutes and even though it was easy, I couldn't compose myself to concentrate. All I could think about is the girl.
The girl in the market with the perfect hair and dancing eyes and her sunshine smile and-
"Dude" Derek said with a slightly raised voice and a concerned expression. "What happened to you?"
I blinked, looking at him, my empty paper and the now empty class.
I had spent all lesson daydreaming about her and how her hair drifted perfectly and how her -
"You're doing it again!" yelled a slightly annoyed Derek,"I've never seen you so dazed since your crush on..." halting his words, he gave me a sly, knowing grin.
"What's her name?"
"I don't know"
Before I realised, I was out of school back on the market grounds looking for her.

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