Lying is bad!

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MagnificentSans95 asks:
Ink and Error
Dream and Cross
Fell and Blue is what I ship.
And Error, lying is bad.

Author's Pov~
Everyone in the room is blushing, except for meh, I have no love. ^~^
Dream still looks confused but I think she's starting to understand as she is now staring at Cross, who surprisingly doesn't have that much of a reaction, he just has a small purple blush. Blue on the other hand lives up to her name as she now looks even more like a blueberry than before and as for Fell, we should change his name to Red because that's what he is. I didn't even know it was possible but somehow Ink's blush just got a whole lot darker. Error on the other hand doesn't seem too fazed as he then says "HaVE yoU Ev-eveN MeT ME? I Am thE BAd guy-Guy-gUY, i haVE DONe waY-way-WAy worSe!" "You have, but that doesn't mean you should, especially when it could hurt the person you love!" I state, acting like a smart person.

Feel free to leave an ask or dare at any time. : ) have a good day/night/evening/morning/afternoon, Have fun my cinnamon rolls, madymoocow away!

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