Identity Theft

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Alternate Title: Kasumi VS Mephistopheles!!!

Intrigued by her recently owned slave, Kasumi stared deep into the unblinking eyes of Lailah. "So you're my servant? And your name is... Lailah?"

"Yes." There was an uncanny lack of emotion in this single, boring word. The fallen angel continually gazed at the floor of her bedroom, breathing at a steady pace. Suddenly, a towering shadow loomed over them. It filled the entire dimly lit room, and it was the in the shape of a man... with bat wings.

Terrified, Kasumi swallowed. "Beru? Is that you, Beru-chan?" She laughed nervously, believing it to be a prank. In a flash of black smoke, a winged demon appeared, hanging from the ceiling like a vampire. "Greetings, mortal spawn of a thousand sinning generations."

The occultist watched in terror as he returned a playful smirk. He waved his hand. "Hi." Seeing his smile was like a hungry wolf. "You're a... a..."

"A demon? Vampire? Creep?"

"You're... naked."

The demon paused, thinking for a moment. "I've been called many a name. To this I am foreign." Still hanging upside down, his feet latched onto the chain of a ceiling fan, he examined himself in full. "I've never had a human question my appearance in such a way..."

Causing Kasumi's knees to buckle in fear, the demon dashed to the floor. "My dearest apologies, fine maiden. It is not like me to engage in such meaningless chatter." He bowed with a smirk. "I am Mephistopheles."

The king of shadows transformed into one, merging with that of Kasumi. His shadowy image moved behind her, and he popped up from its base in a brilliant fulgor of shrouding darkness. He curled his long, bony fingers atop her shoulder, sliding them across. "And who might you be?"

She hesitated to reveal her identity. Looking away from the demonic deity behind her, she closed her eyes in trust. "I am Kasumi, an occultist." Mephistopheles nodded slowly, focusing on the lifeless body before them. He waved his hand in its face. "Lailah, huh?"

"How did you...?"

"You know, in order to use these things, you have to invoke a greater power." Suddenly, a chill went down his spine. "Actually, hold on. I'll be back at... ten o'clock tonight. Farewell." Mephistopheles hurriedly spread his black, bat-like wings, flying in the direction of Beru Tachibana's house.

Minutes later, Kasumi found herself just outside his house, and she listened closely to their conversation upstairs. Their voices were muffled, so she could only hear it when they spoke up. "You idiot!" said Beru, trying not to scream, "I don't want her dead!"

A guy in an angel's attire, Sariel, shaped his hand like a phone and placed it next to his ear. "Call me," he said from across the street. While Kasumi was trying to decipher these words, Beru punched the King of Shadows in his chest. He flew out the window, landing on the street. Sneering in rage at the demon above, his attention was then captured by Kasumi.

Afraid, she ran home. Angels? Demons? What the heck was going on? Her thoughts were a blur until she climbed the tied-together cloths she left hanging from her window. Catching her breath, Kasumi dove onto the bed. "It's just a bad dream..." she dismissed, burying her head in the pillow.

Emerging from a dark shadow, Mephistopheles neared Lailah's unconscious shell of a body. Kasumi watched as he waved his hand over her face. The fallen one was then enveloped in a shrouding mist. Mephistopheles' image seemed to fade into hers, and their essences became one.

Lailah then blinked. When her eyes opened, they were entirely black. Suddenly, in a surge of excitement, she fell onto the floor. Her voice sounded deeper and more evil, as it was Mephisto's voice coming through her body. "My, this is quite different." He struggled to stand with his far different legs, moving about intrigued. "It's all quite novel."

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