Malacoda Considers Humanity

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As Maou-sama was off to work, Malacoda stared at the humans walking by. He was intrigued by their different faces, innocent and casual. He'd never thought about what lives these creatures had other than running in terror from him.

Malacoda always wondered why, after all the lives that were lost, did the knights keep coming back for more? Humans were so persistent. But perhaps it wasn't their stuberness, but rather their solidarity for one another. They banded together to stop evil from hurting them, not because they feared death, but because they loved each other. This great affection and care kept humankind alive and well for many centuries on Ente Isla.

In contrast, what did the demons hope to achieve by killing innocents? "Hey," Satan commanded, "Stop daydreaming about those people. We need you to get a job at MgRonalds so we can afford your sorry *ss."

"Yes, Lord. I was merely thinking of how to kill these fools." Malacoda dressed in a plain white shirt and jeans, looking like any other citizen going about their business. He borrowed the clothes from Maou.

As he walked to MgRonalds, Malacoda remembered his past. He remembered roaming the halls of God's holy palace. One day, a fellow angel approached him. "Psst, Malacoda," whispered Sariel, "Did you hear about the Romans? They're planning to crucify Jesus. We'll be ready to defend him at all costs, right?"

Malacoda stopped. He spoke to Sariel without looking his way. "I don't care about the humans anymore." Sariel gasped, "But humans are God's creation! We must respect everything our Father has made."

"You don't understand. Humans are so... boring. They never do anything. Jesus is just a human like the rest. What does he know?"

"Mal, don't go down this path! It doesn't matter who Jesus is; you have to respect him for who created him."

Minutes later, Malacoda flapped his wings before the Gate. "Who cares what God thinks!? I'm joining Lucifer!" Sariel tried to stop him but failed. "Don't go! God will always love you!" Malacoda entered the Gate.

Crying, Sariel flew after him. "If you're leaving, so am I!"

After that, Archangel Sariel tried to convince Malacoda from joining Lucifer's side, but his attempts ultimately failed. Sariel himself became distracted by human women, and his lust led to his doom. He still considered himself a Son of Light, but he did things of which God would undoubtedly disapprove. Poor Sariel had been corrupted by sin, and so had Malacoda. They both thought themselves to be irredeemable and parted ways.

After that, Malacoda was the punisher of Hell, until Satan united the demons. Angry at God for no reason, Malacoda ruthlessly attacked the inhabitants of the southern island.

When he got to MgRonalds, he was hired to take orders and operate the cash register, general low-level employee stuff. Where was Maou, though? Oh, that guy? Kind of the main character? He just got promoted to manager, taking Kisaki's place.

Malacoda wasn't particularly approachable, yelling at his customers and telling them to do things for themselves. He hated to work with humans, and especially to serve them.

While slamming a tray of food onto the counter, Malacoda made a mess. He went to clean it up, but Chiho stopped him. "It's okay, Mister Madoka!" That was his chosen name among humans. "I'll clean it up. You can't take your break."

While "Madoka" sat in the break room, he pondered why such a busy person would care to help him. He dismissed it as an act of fear. He did seem rather intimidating back there. As Chiho entered the room, Madoka abruptly apologized, "I'm sorry I lied to you."


"I'm a demon. Malacoda, killer of innocents and betrayer of God."

"Y-You're from Ente Isla, too?"

"Yeah. I don't know why I told you. It's not like you'd believe me. So did Maou tell you?"

"Uh, sorta. Why did you come?"

"I was supposed to assist Satan in his conquest to eliminate humanity. I faked my death at his castle, hiding with the Malebranche on the southern island."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I thought you'd care. You humans are so special after all, getting all of God's attention. You're his most prized possessions." Chiho assumed he must be crazy, but she tried to help nevertheless. She tried to change the subject, noticing that he wasn't very enthusiastic about being a murderer. "I guess every demon just works at MgRonalds, eh?"

Malacoda looked up at her, wondering why she was so optimistic. "Chiho... do you pity me for what I've done?" She didn't know how to respond. "Killing humans may be normal in Ente Isla, but everybody deserves a second chance." He began to cry, his face red. "But," he continued, "how can I just serve God with nothing in return? If his love is eternal, why should I have to prove myself worthy?"

Chiho came closer, lowering her voice. "I may not understand yet, but I'll help you anyway I can." Trying his best to hide the tears, Malacoda asked, "Is this the kindness of the human heart? Why is humanity giving me a second chance?"

"It's because we forgive you."

"Humans... have the ability to forgive."

The door swung open, letting in Satan. "So how's your first day, Madoka? Are you... crying?" Malacoda wiped the tears from his face, improving his posture. "It pains me greatly to work with these creatures."

"Well, don't get distracted from work, alright? So, Chiho, this is Malacoda. He's pretty unstable, so be careful." Chiho looked to the teary-eyed demon and then to Maou. "Yeah. He does get a little emotional."

After work that day, Malacoda left with a hopeful smile. Perhaps he could revoke his demonic status, becoming an angel once again.

In a shower of black feathers, Lucifer hovered above. He ended a phone call and pointed to Malacoda as he screamed, "Outer pit boy just quit! Looks like you're on torture duty." The Prince of Agony smiled and waved. "I think I'd like to retire."

"WHAT!? You can't retire from managing Hell's souls!"

The fallen angel shot glowing projectiles at him, barely missing. Maou-sama emerged from the doors of his workplace. "What's going on here? Urushihara..." Lucifer mocked as he shot at the demon, "Who will torture these lost souls? Who will submerge these men in boiling lava?" The fight was interrupted by Chiho, running in front of Malacoda.

She stared down Urushihara, putting her life on the line. "He's innocent!"

"Innocent? Ha! He killed thousands of humans during his massacre of the southern island."

"He doesn't want to be a demon anymore!" Listing to Chiho's words with a playful grin, Lucifer landed on the street. "Aw, Malacoda doesn't wanna be a demon! Yeah, right. He's just an arrogant fallen one with a big attitude problem."

"Sounds like you're describing yourself." As the crowds scattered, Satan's power returned. He grew his trademark demonic horns, feeding off of the fear surrounding him. "I know it's none of my business, but I can't have my friends fighting each other."

Lucifer crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Oh dear, here comes the fun police." Satan warped directly in front of him. "Lay a finger on Malacoda and you won't be fed for a week." Urushihara backed away, trying his best not to look intimidated. "Oh well," he compromised, "I'll just head over to Suzuno for ingredients. I'll do my own cooking, no celestial force required."

"Don't hurt him," said Malacoda weakly. "People can change." Lucifer was annoyed, twitching. "Is this some family-friendly fairy tale to you? Sometimes there is no moral!" He shot a beam of pulsing energy, slamming into Malacoda's chest. It turned him into a solid stone figure, frozen with a surprised face.

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