Sariel the Unkillable Cockroach

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The Crimson Knight sat on his wicked throne of human skulls, opposing that of a winged demon. This demon had a bat's wings, a dragon's tail, and the snarling face of a crocodile. It listened to Zepar's words carefully, trying to help him.

"I don't know, Beleth. The little bastard got away with his innocence. Lailah died for him, taking the life of her unborn child as well. Is there perhaps some way to get back at him?"

"Have you considered necromancy?"

"What do you mean?"

"If we get Sariel to use me for the girl's revival, that's his sin."

Unsure, Zepar shifted on his throne. "Still... that unkillable cockroach will find his way out of it." Finally, he asked, "Why does he have to remain innocent forever? I just don't get it."

"What kind of demon would give up so easily? We have to lead him astray at all costs."

"Fine. Use one of the other demons to tempt him."


Much to Alciel's dismay, Sariel was invited to live at the crowded Sadao residence. "Relax," said Maou with his mouth full, "It's not as packed with Crestia and Chiho at Emi's place." Ashiya eyed Sariel as the angel ate breakfast. His eyes and wings were returning to normal color. "Still, Milord, I believe it was too forgiving to let a murderer into your castle."

Malacoda cried out from the corner, "At least he didn't kill anyone who's life matters!" "Shut up and eat your scraps," said Lucifer with a sneer.

"Man, this stuff is way better than what I find in Emi's basement!" Sariel commented, slurping his cereal. Alciel nodded as he praised, "Thank you. Lord Satan has worked overtime to afford such luxuries."

"He said it's better than basement food, not a meal fit for a king," retorted the ever-ungrateful Hanzo Urushihara.

Sariel noticed that his celestial force might have been affecting the surrounding demons, so he left the room for a while. When he exited their tiny apartment, the archangel saw that it was the beginning of Autumn. This reminded him of his innocence, granted to him in Heaven, was being scattered like the leaves, piling up in the wrong hands. And he supposed it was all because of that lecherous swine Zepar.

"Hey," said a voice from behind. Sariel turned to see nothing but a crow, perched atop a streetlamp. The bird opened its beak to say, "That Zepar sounds like a real jerk, eh?" Sariel was startled by this rather unusual occurrence. He pointed to himself with a look of surprise as he said, "Are you talking? To me?"

The crow continued without addressing the novelty of the situation, "The odds of this battle seemed to be tipped in that freak's favor, no?"

"Certainly. Are you here to rub it in my face?"

It glided down from its perch, landing on the sidewalk. "Of course not. I've got something to help you out, my friend." Sariel had minimal interest, for this bird could be a servant of the demons. "What kind of help, bird-brain?"

He came closer, looking up from the angels feet as he informed, "I can tell you exactly what your enemies are doing, and what they desire. Be warned, however, that my power can only be used once a day." Sariel's interest returned. His heart skipped a beat and his lust for revenge grew ever so large. "What is he doing, may I ask?"

"He has made a feast of your lover's flesh, feeding it to lower demons in his realm. This is all I can tell you today."

"And his desires?"

"To lead you astray, causing your downfall and ultimate banishment from Heaven."

Shocked, Sariel was suspicious. "How might you know these things?" The crow prepared to fly away as he replied, "That's a secret I'll never tell." Before he could depart, the archangel stopped him. "Wait! Where can I find you again?"

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