The balcony

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Double upload 😈

*Dougie's POV*

Harry had just stormed out. It took me a moment to process what he had said. Tom was still sobbing on the floor when I'd left and Danny was comforting him so I decided to find out where Harry had disappeared too. I was sad to think that he thought he'd ruin our friendship.

I walked into his room, no sign of him, so I walked into my room. I flinched at the sound of thunder going on outside but I needed to see that Harry was ok, he was my best friend after all! It took me a second until I realised the balcony door was slightly open, I went to investigate and through the blind I could see Harry, leaning against the railings. I opened the door fully, not daring to go into the storm.

"Harry?" I began in a soft whisper. He turned around to look at me before turning back.

"Go away Dougie."

"I just wanna talk to you, Harry." He didn't flinch.

"Dougie get back inside! I don't want you being traumatised by the storm now get back inside or...or -" he said dramatically, flailing his arms and slapping them on the banister, looking slightly to the side so I could see the water dripping off the end of his nose.

"Or what Harry??" I was now half-yelling. "Stop being a baby and turn around and look at me!" He hesitantly turned round to look at me but I was still clinging to the door frame.

"Dougie, please go inside," he whispered, this time with genuine concern.

"Why?" I whispered back.

"Your dad..." He barely even spoke. It's true, when I was 6 my dad's car got hit by lighting and he died. Ever since then, I've been deadly afraid of thunderstorms. I ignored his statement.

"Tell me what happened," I continued.

"When?" He wasn't looking into my eyes. He was drenched in water, his top clinging to his body and his hair dripping water down his face. The only way I could tell that he was crying was the fact that his eyes were red and puffy.

"Tell me your feelings." He looked at me with a pleading face, begging me not to ask but I simply raised my eyebrows like he had done this morning. He actually moved closer this time and rested his hands lightly on my shoulders.

"Dougie, I - well we've known each other a while and I didn't know I was gay until I met you. Every day I feel this longing to hug and hold you but I know I can't and it makes me sad." His voice was speeding up. "And I know this is a MASSIVE thing to take in but I'll get over it. I'll get over you. It's not gonna be easy because we're best friends but I don't want thing to change between us and -"

And that was when it happened.

Thunderstorms - Pudd slash (mcfly/mcbusted)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora