Want to play truths?

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Yayayaya sorry I haven't updated!! Hope you're all still here 😁 remember, comments and votes make the world go round! Please share if you're enjoying ~ Liv 💘 x


*Dougies POV*

We arrived back at the hotel after a full day of recording and producing. Because our managers had booked the hotel for us, they booked us a private lounge where the four of us hung out and ate in after the full day of rushing around. Me and Tom walked off in front whilst Danny and Harry followed close behind us. I noticed the tension between Tom and Harry but I didn't question, I was used to it. We all had our difference and, especially when were were sent away on a sort of 'holiday', being with each other 24/7 got a bit much and we got on each other's nerves. Back home, we got to wind each other up but he we can't get away from each other. Oh well, we loved each other as best friends anyway - especially my best friend in the whole wide world; Harry. We all took a seat and, of course, as soon as we could, we all had our phones out. We all went straight on twitter to tweet the fans about our day, giving exciting hints about the new album and teasing about how great it's going to be, along with other awesome stuff that's coming up soon.

*Harry's POV*

After we'd all put our phones away, we called for room service and sat around waiting. There was awkwardness in the room so I decided to speak up.

"So, anyone wanna play truths?"

"Yeah! Go for it!" Danny replied.

"I'll start." Tom said, a bit TOO eagerly. "Do you think that as a band we should keep secrets from each other?" He glared at me slightly. No one answered - it turned out that we were all keeping secrets from each other.

"Harry?" Tom continued.

"No...I don't." I said in a shaky voice.

"Funny that?"

"Tom don't..."

"Dougie needs to know the truth! He deserves to know before someone gets hurt!"

"Same goes for you Tom! Tell Danny or I will!" By now, we were both shouting.

"Tell us what?" Danny and Dougie said in chorus.

"TOMS GAY!" I yelled, without thinking. Tom collapsed to him knees. "Tom.....I'm sorry I didn't -"

"It's out there now..." He said slowly, moving his gaze to the floor. Danny went and knelt next to Tom.

After 5 minutes of silence but Toms sobs, Dougie finally spoke in a loud whisper "And you?" He said, looking over at me.

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