Peter One-Shot

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You lost your big sister on your birthday, letting you never be happy on that day, and you blame yourself for it.

Your pov,
    Your birthday was coming up. You never can be happy on this day every again.

"Hey Y/n, lets go eat out for your birthday." Your sister said to you.

"Ok, when are we leaving," you said brightly.

"Now," She said and got her keys.

    You ran to her car, being so excited. You and your sister were very close, but also argued like regular sisters do. You couldn't bare to lose her.

    You got in the front seat of the car and she started to drive. It had started to rain once you had got on the highway.

    Your sister was leaning into the steering wheel trying to look out the window. She was very concentrated making you concerned.


    You woke up in a hospital bed not able to move. Your mom was in the chair beside you with tear stained cheeks.

    You groaned and she stood up fast. "She's awake!!!" You mom yelled. Probably to your dad.

    Everything just started to flood back. Everything that happened just reappeared in your mind.

    Where was S/n?

End of flashback

    You couldn't do anything without her. It was all just to hard. The whole rest of the year was better, but then came your birthday.

    It was just torture. It was torture the most today. You cried the whole day every single year.

You had just started dating Peter about a month after your last birthday. He didn't know you used to have a sister.

You went to your bed, yesterday was the day your sister died. You cried yourself to sleep that night.

In the morning, it was officially your birthday. You didn't move. Maybe you could sleep the day away and never get out of your position.

Tears started to pour now. 'It was all my fault' you thought 'If we just stayed home instead of going out she would be right here with me'

You cried even more. You can't believe she was gone.

Then there was a knock at the door. You didn't want to get up. Heck you couldn't get up.

Another knock as then the door opened.
"Y/n!" You knew that voice. You started to wipe your face. "Are you here?"

You croaked our a 'yes' and closed your eyes. The door opened to your room, "Hey what's wrong, it's your birthday?" He asked. So much concern was written on his face.

He sat beside you and rubbed your back. You continued to silently cry. A huge migraine was already forming.

He lifted your head and put it in his lap. "Do you want to talk about it?" You continued to cry. You just couldn't stop.

He stayed with you until your crying got softer letting you talk. "Do you want to talk now?" He asked.

"M-my s-s-sister, sh-she d-died on my b-birthday." You stuttered. You cried harder again.

He hugged you tighter. "I'm sooooo sorry. I didn't know you had a sister." He kissed the top of your head.

"Do you want me to get you anything?" He asked.

"Please just hold me."

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