Peter One-Shot

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Sorry for another one with Peter, but he is my favorite and I like writing about him.

One-Shot - Game of Truth or Dare

Your pov
    Peter, Edmund, Susan, Lucy, and I were all bored because of the rain. You all sat down on the floor in Susan's room.
"Why don't we go play in the rain?" Asked Lucy
"No one wants to play in the rain, Lu," Edmund  said.
"Fine," Lucy pouted.
    I was a year older than Susan and a year younger than Peter. We had all got along very well. They always talked about this amazing place called Narnia. I know that they just make it up but they describe it as if they were actually there, fighting against a witch.
"Why don't we play Truth or Dare?" Susan suggested.
"Sure, sounds fun," I said.
"Who's first?" Susan asked.
"Me!" Lucy yelled. "Peter, truth or dare?"
    Peter looked up from his phone. I rolled my eyes,"No phones aloud." I said while reaching for his phone.
"Truth," Peter said.
"Chicken," Lucy stated. "Ok, is it true that you like f/n?"
I felt jealousy explode in my chest. I turned to Peter, waiting for his answer.
"No," Peter said. Relief spread all over my body and my muscles relaxed.
"Ok, your turn," Edmund said anxious for his turn.
"Fine, Ed, truth or dare?" Peter said with a smirk
"Dare!" Edmund said taking a risk.
"I dare you to call f/n and tell her you like her." Peter said.
"Truth!" Edmund d said regretting his decision.
"No, you can't do that," I said really wanting him to do it.
"Fine," he got up and got his phone a called my best friend. I knew she liked him back.
"Hey f/n, I really like you" he said and hung up. I knew f/n would be so happy about this.
    Edmund sat back down,"Susan, truth or dare?"
"Truth," she said.
"Is it true that you, I don't know, ummmm, that you are making a B in chemistry?" He said giving a chuckle."I didn't know what else to do."
"No, y/n truth or dare?" Susan asked. Everyone turned to me.
"Dare," I said. Please, pretty please be easy.
"Kiss my brother for ten seconds!" Susan said excited.
"Which one?" I said blushing.
"Not me!" Edmund yelled without hesitation.
"That's my answer," Susan said turning to Peter and then me.
    I was blushing like crazy. This was actually going to happen. I got up and headed over to my crush. He was actually blushing too! I leaned in and my lips touched his. I could hear them counting
Slower every time. I didn't want this to end. Peter grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer. At this point I was basically on his lap.
8..............9...................9 1/2.............9 3/4..............10!
But we did not stop. I could feel his tongue swipe at my lips begging for a entrance, which I gave to him. He explored my whole mouth and then played with my tongue. Oh it felt so good
"Guys, you two can stop kissing!" Lucy yelled.
I pulled away, wanting so much more, and looked at my friends then soon to be boyfriend. Then a blush creeped to my cheeks and neck once more.
"Wow," Peter admitted.


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