Caspian One-Shot

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Requested by @animaloverkitty
One-Shot - You are one of Peter's sisters and you have feelings for Caspian. But Peter being Peter, he doesn't want you dating him.

Your pov
As I walked down the corridor I bumped into someone. Let's just say this person makes me blush, a lot.
"Oh hey y/n," Caspian said with a smile. "Hey, sorry for running into you," you give a nervous chuckle.
Oh my gosh, I am so weird! "Oh, it's ok," he says with a smile.
Then I spot Peter, the one and only, staring at the two of us, giving us both the death glare.
I roll my eyes, "Did I do something wrong?" Caspian asked.
"Oh, no. It just my brother ummm needs me. Yeah." I say as I scurry off to find my annoying big brother.
"Peter, what I wrong with you!" I yell. "I don't want my little sister liking this this thing!" he gestures towards Caspian.
"Peter, I know you don't like him, but that doesn't mean I can't. It doesn't even matter he doesn't even like me back. He likes Susan!" You say. Sometimes I just hate your big sister.
"Ok, I will be right back." He says as he scurries off to the direction I just came from.

Peter's pov
I hate seeing my little sister getting rejected. It just makes me boil. I am going to talk to this little fella and make sure he knows how to treat my sisters.
"Caspian!" I yell

Your pov
Oh no!

Caspian's pov
"Caspian!" I hear. Why does Peter hate me so much.
"What?" I ask.
"If you don't like y/n will you please stop flirting with her. It tortures her you know. It hurts her when you reject her. It breaks her heart and she always comes to me!" Wait what. Y/n likes me! This is amazing.
"I do like her, a lot. So quit yelling at me!" I yell back in his face.

Your pov
I were just listening Peter giving Caspian a hard time when something shocks me. I feel alive when I her those simple words.
"I do like her, a lot," he likes me. He really likes me! Me and not Susan. ME!
"Really!" I yell as I pop around the corner.
Caspian jerks his head around and faces me. "Yes," he admitted it. To my face.
I run up to him and I throw my arms around him.
"You better not hurt her!" Peter says sternly. Oh Peter!

Caspian One-Shots are so hard for me because I really don't like him. I just don't. So these stories aren't as good as, like, the Peter One-Shots.

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