Chapter 9

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(Azlin's pov)
It's been a few weeks since the gargoyles been living with me, Elisa still can't get over the truth that I'm her guardian angel and not her cousin. The others asked me questions about my kind and I told them but they forgave me for hiding my true self and I understand my reasoning. But right now Bronx and Lexington are playing with Jade and I went walking in my garden feeling the full moons rays and I let my wings come alive and started to sing.
(Goliath's pov)
Hudson inform me Elisa's work has a clock tower close to the castle we could live in, this made me have hope to have our home back but I went on a walk to clear my mind but I heard music and came to Azlin's garden and saw carvings of instruments glowing and playing a melody till I heard singing and saw a shadow moving and looked up and saw Azlin hovering in the sky and started to dance to her song. I made my way up to the tallest tree she had her and was hidden will and I watch her sing till she was in front of the moon and she stopped and held herself and look down with tears going down her angelic face.
(Elisa's pov)
I arrived to Azlin's home but saw Goliath wasn't here and asked Hudson were Goliath was and he told me he saw him last heading towards the gardens. I thanked him and went to talk to Goliath when I heard singing and saw Azlin, she looked upset but soon she went down to the pound she has and actually stood on the water and started walking to the other side were you can't get to unless swimming over. But Goliath appeared and said, "She seems to be upset, do you think she's upset with her self or something else?" I looked at him and told him I don't know and he sighed and went to speak to the others.

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