Chapter 2

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(?????'s pov)
Goliath helped the woman but we came to there side but I got a good look at the woman and froze, she rubbed her wrist and said, "Haven't done that in a long time." I stepped forward and said, "A-Azlin is that you?" The boys looked at me and her head shot up and her light brown eyes widen and said, "Elisa," and she pulled me into a hug and said, "I haven't seen you in 10 years how have you been?" I chuckled but I looked at the boys and said, "Guys this is Azlin Night my older cousin and Azlin this is Hudson, Broadway, Brooklyn, Lexington, Bronx, and Goliath my gargoyle friends." She smiled and told them hello and thanked Goliath, he told her it was his duty to protect people who need help. She agreed to what he said but she looked at me and said, "Cousin is there a place we can speak so no one see us and alarm the whole city." I looked at Goliath and he nod and said, "We were returning back to our castle would that be alright?" She told him that would be alright and Goliath took my cousin and Brooklyn took me and we went back to the castle.
(Azlin's pov)
Soon we arrived to a very tall building  and landed on a castle on top, Goliath placed me down gently and I thanked him, he nod and Elisa was about to say something when a voice was heard. I froze and went into protective mode and stood beside Elisa she gave me a calm smile and said, "Azlin this is Mr. Xanatos he owns the build." The male walked towards me and held his hand out I took it and he shook my hand and said, "Ms Maza I didn't know you were bring a guest and a pretty one at that." I took my hand away and said, "I'm Azlin, Elisa cousin Mr Zanatos." He nod and told us he had to take care of something but Elisa pulled me away from the gargoyles and told me I had to tell her what I have been up too.

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