Chapter 7

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(Jade's pov)
Mommy came into her room and said, "Ready to go see Elisa and Goliath again." I nod and she walked out to her balcony and I saw a stone version of Mr Goliath, but it started to have cracks as the sun was setting. I hide behind mommy till Mr Goliath was standing in front of us, he smiled at us and bend down to my height and said, "Hello Jade Ready to go?" I nod and mommy picked me up and Mr Goliath picked mommy up and flew off the balcony and I smiled feeling the wind hitting my face and the lights of the city.
(Azlin's pov)
I smiled at my little girl but soon we arrived at the castle and Goliath let me down and I let Jade down and she saw Elisa and ran over to her. She grabbed Elisa's leg and had a little force to it and almost made Elisa fall, I giggled Goliath walked beside me and said, "Would you like to take walk a Azlin?" I agreed and we went around the castle talking about our lives till I heard growling and Jade yelling for me.
(Goliath's pov)
We ran back to the others and found Xanatos in a metal suit with metal gargoyles that looked like me. He had Jade by the back of her jacket and said, "Ah Ms Azlin I see you brought a child here." Azlin glared at Xanatos and said, "Let my daughter go!" He smirked and said, "Only if you become my wife," I stood in front of Azlin but she looked down and said, "Jade honey remember what I tought you do it and I'll be right there with you understand." I was confused until Jade got out of her jacket and a glow came off her back and wings appeared and she took off flying Xanatos was caught off guard but told one of his robots to get her but I tackled him but the others got free and helped but I heard a gasp and saw Azlin with wings attacking the robot and sending it to Xanatos.

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