Chapter 12: That Way Before

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Meanwhile at the castle, Hinata was playing in the snow with Akurama and her horse Kurama. As they enjoyed the winter wonderland, Naruto looked at Hinata sincerely from his balcony then looked to Sasuke "I have never felt this way before" he pondered "I want to do something for her but what?" he asked his clock friend. "Well, there are flowers, chocolates, promises that you never intend to keep" Sasuke told the discouraged beast. "No no no Sasuke" Sai interrupted "It has to be something special!" "hmm your right" Sasuke agreed, then an idea came to his mind "I've got it!". As Sasuke told his plan to Naruto and Sai, they liked the idea, especially Naruto. "Hinata!" Naruto shouted from the balcony "Yes Naruto?" Hinata answered "Come inside, I have something for you!" he shouted "Ok I'll be right there!" she replied "come on Akumara, lets get out of this cold" "Woof!" the footstool barked.

    As Hinata got back inside she went to her room and changed from her winter wardrobe into, a warm red dress and had her hair in a loose bun (Picture above)

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As Hinata got back inside she went to her room and changed from her winter wardrobe into, a warm red dress and had her hair in a loose bun (Picture above) . She met with Naruto and the servants in the parlor, Naruto smiled and took her hand. "Come with me" he said softly, Hinata nodded her head. As they got to a set of white doors with, golden handles, Naruto looked at Hinata with excitement "Hinata, there's something I want to show you" as he began to open the door, he stopped suddenly "But first, you have to close your eyes" she looks at him confused "it's a surprise" he smiled.

Hinata closed her eyes and Naruto opened the door. He held her hands and guided her slowly "Can I open them?" she asked "no, not yet" Naruto replied "wait here" Hinata nodded. Naruto pulled some curtains back which sparked Hinata's curiosity. "Now can I open them?" she asked "Ok open your eyes" he replied. Hinata opened her eyes and gasped at what she saw, a massive library filled with books beyond her imagination. "Oh my goodness!!" she said joyfully "I've never seen so many books in my life!" "Do you like?" Naruto asked "Oh I love it!!" she replied "Then you can have it!" he announced Hinata was crying as she went to the beast and hugged him, Naruto panicked "Whats Wrong?" he asked "Oh Naruto thank you so much!" she cried tears of joy, Naruto embraced her hug into his warmth.

While the two hugged, the servants were looking at them from the door way. "Ha I knew my plan would work!" Sasuke clapped "well I'll be Sasuke, it worked!" Tsunade agreed "what worked? Konohamru asked "It's very encouraging!" Sai rejoiced "Isn't this is exciting my love?" Ino asked Sai "I didn't see anything!" Konohamru grouched "come along, Konohamuru. We have chores that to be done in the kitchen" Granny replied "What are they talking about? What's going on? Come on Granny!" Konohamru became impatient.

At the dining hall, Naruto and Hinata were having breakfast, which consisted of some oatmeal made by Pervy Sage and tea, courtesy of Lady Tsunade. As Hinata begins to eat, she looks at Naruto, gobbling up his food with no table manners whatsoever. Konohamru laughs, but Granny shoots him a look of disapproval . Hinata turns away and tries to ignore it, but Konohamru comes to the rescue as he nudges the spoon with his nose, and Naruto reaches out for it. Hinata looks at him in wonder as he tries to eat with the spoon, but he has little success. Hinata finally puts down her spoon and lifts her bowl as if in a toast. He looks at the compromise and does the same. They both begin to sip their breakfast out of their bowls. As they put their bowls down, Naruto looks at Hinata and asks "Would you like to see the courtyard?" "yes I would" she replied with a small smile. "I will get changed into my winter clothes and join you outside" she added, "I will do the same" Naruto nodded and left the table.

Hinata meet Naruto outside in her winter attire and had a bag of bird seed with her as well. The birds were chirping, Naruto watched as Hinata fed the birds from her hand. He smiled and she held out his hand and gave him some bird seed and watched him try to feed the birds she then thought to herself and sang in her mind

Hinata: There's something sweet

And almost kind

But he was mean

And he was coarse and unrefined.

But now he's dear

And so unsure,

I wonder why I didn't see it there before.

Naruto grew impatient as he shoved a handful of seed at them

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Naruto grew impatient as he shoved a handful of seed at them. Hinata giggles and takes a handful and gently spreads it out, creating a trail.  One lands in his hands, and he looks up thrilled.

Naruto :She glanced this way

I thought I saw

And when we touched

She didn't shudder at my paw

No it can't be

I'll just ignore

But then she's never looked at me that way before.

Hinata has ducked around a tree, leaving Naruto with the birds and begins to sing again,

Hinata: New, and a bit alarming

Who'd have ever thought that this could be?

She begins to look doubtful again, but turns her head around the tree and laughs. Naruto is covered with birds from head to toe.

True, that he's no Prince Charming

But there's something in him that I simply didn't see.

The birds began to fly away which scares Naruto, all of a sudden a snowball was thrown at him by Hinata who was laughing. Naruto gave an evil grin as he began to make a big snowball to throw back at her. Hinata throws another snowball at Naruto, who drops his huge pile of snow on his head. He chases her around a tree, but she ducks around the other side and sneaks up on him from behind. The servants watched from the window and sang to each other.

Sai: Well who'd have thought?

Tsunade: Well bless my soul.

Sasuke: And who'd have known?

Tsunade: Well who indeed?

Sai: And who'd have guessed they'd come together on their own?

Tsunade: It's so peculiar

Hinata and Naruto come inside after playing in the snow laughing. They went into the library and sat by the fire. Hinata grabbed a book and sat beside him in front of the fire and began to read to him. The objects including Konohamru, looked and began to sing again.

ALL: We'll wait and see

A few days more

There may be something there that wasn't there before

Sasuke: Yes, perhaps there's something there that wasn't there before.

Konohamaru: What?

Tsunade: There may be something there that wasn't there before.

Konohamru: What's there, granny?

Tsunade: I'll tell you when you're older.

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