Chapter 8: Being Difficult

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Back at the dark castle, Hinata was still crying until she heard a knock at the door. "W-who is it?" she asked between sniffles "Lady Tsunade dear" said the voice from outside. Hinata opened the door and was surprised that she was greeted by a blue tea pot, sugar bowl, a tea cup and a pink feather duster floated in behind them . "I thought you might like a spot of tea" the tea pot offered. "But you're..." Hinata stuttered "You're a..." Hinata bumped into the massive pink wardrobe causing it to wake up "Oh! Careful" the wardrobe giggled "This is impossible!" Hinata replied with surprise "I know it is, but here we are" the wardrobe sighed

"Oh goodness me! Where are my manners?" giggled the wardrobe "I am Sakura and I will be in charge of your wardrobe" she greeted with cheer, "oh h-hello" Hinata gave a small wave "I'm Hinata" as she gave Sakura a small smile. "Well, its a pleasure to meet you dear, I am Ino the feather duster, I dusted your entire room for you!" announced the pink feather duster. "I told you she was pretty, Granny, didn't I?" Konohamru looked up at Tsunade. "All right, Konohamru, now, that'll do. Slowly now, don't spill." Tsunde reminded the little tea cup as it hopped over to Hinata "T-thank you." Hinata nodded as she began to sip her tea Konohamaru looked up at her "Wanna see me do a trick?" and began to blow bubbles in her tea which made Hinata giggle "Konohamaru!" Granny scolded him "Oops, sorry" the little tea cup smirked.

"That was a very brave thing you did, my dear." Tsunade said kindly "We all think so." Sakura nodded "But I've lost my dreams, everything." Hinata sighed in sadness "He's the only family I have left after my parents died from a sickness when I was five, my uncle took me in as his own when my mother and father passed away." "Cheer up, child." Tsunde encouraged the young girl, "It'll turn out all right in the end, you'll see." Hinata gave the teapot a small smile giving her somewhat hope. "Oh, listen to me...Jabberin' on while there's a supper to get on the table." Tsunde realized "Konohamru?" the little tea cup hopped out of Hinatas hand and followed the tea pot along with Ino back to the kitchen "Bye!" Konohamru said to Hinata as the door shut behind them.

"Well, now, what shall we dress you in for dinner?" Sakura asked Hinata "Oh, let's see what I got in my drawers" as Sakura opened her doors moths began to fly out. She shut her doors and blushed at Hinata who laughed. "Oh, how embarrassing!" she giggled, then she opened her doors again "Ahem, Ah, here we are!" she happily found a light blue tea length dress hanging on a clothes rack. "You'll look ravishing in this one!" Sakura rejoiced. Hinata then looked saddened as she handed the dress back to Sakura "That's very kind of you, but I'm not going to dinner." Sakura gasped at Hinata's choice "Ah, but you must!". A small clock walked into the room "Oh hello Sasuke" Sakura flirted with the small mantle clock "Hello my dear Sakura, looking lovely as always" Sasuke smirked. "What brings you in here?" she asked "Oh yes!" Sasuke remembered "Ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem dinner is served" he politely bowed.

  Mean while down stairs in the dinning hall was a very impatient Naruto pacing along with Sai and Tsunade

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Mean while down stairs in the dinning hall was a very impatient Naruto pacing along with Sai and Tsunade. "What's taking so long? I told her to come down.Why isn't she here yet?!?" the beast growled bitterly. "Oh, try to be patient, sir" Tsunade replied calmly "The girl has lost her uncle and her freedom all in one day." Sai chimed in "Master, have you thought that perhaps...this girl could be the one to break the spell?" "Of course I have!" Naruto stopped "I'm not a fool." he growled. "Good!" Sai perked up So, you fall in love with her...she falls in love with you, and poof! The spell is broken" he clicked his two candle like hands together "We'll be human again by midnight." Oh, it's not that easy Sai, these things take time." Tsunde remined the cheerful candlabra "But the rose has already begun to wilt." Sai told the teapot "Oh it's no use." Naruto huffed "s-she's so beautiful and I'm... well look at me!". Oh, you must help her to see past all that." Tsunade gently reassured the bitter beast "I don't know how" he retorted. Tsunade huffed and decided to take action into helping Naruto. "Well, you can start by making yourself more presentable." She boldly took charge "Straighten up!" she demanded and He sat like he was a dog "Try to act like a gentleman" she added "Ah, yes! good idea Tsunade!" Sai agreed as he climb onto the table next to the wise teapot. "When she comes in, give her a charming, confident smile Come, come. Show me the smile" he asked Naruto. Naruto smiled as best as he could but it looked more frightening than friendly.

"But don't frighten the poor girl

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"But don't frighten the poor girl." Tsunade replied "Impress her with your rapier wit." Sai reasured "But be gentle." Tsunade interupted "Shower her with compliments "Sai suggested "But be sincere." Tsunade reminded. The beast was shaking his head at the confusion he was getting from his servants "And above all,you must control your temper!" Sai and Tsunade yelled at him. Sai announced as the door opened "here she is!" Naruto went to the right side of the table acting proper but then groaned at it was only Sasuke walking in. "Good Evening" Sasuke greeted the grouchy beast "Well where is she?" Naruto asked impaintently "Who? oh ha! the girl" The clock chuckled and thought of way to not upset him "Well, actually, she's in the process of... Circumstances being what they are..." Sasuke rubbed his hands together "WELL?!?!" he growled. Sasuke gulped "Uh, she's not coming" "WHAT?!? the beast roared. Naruto stormed out of the dinning hall and ran on all fours to Hinata's bedroom with Sasuke, Tsunade, and Sai trailing behind him. "Oh, dear Your Grace!" shouted Cogsworth in fear "Your Eminence!" "Let's not be hasty!"

As Naruto arrived at the door of her room, he banged really loudly and began to yell "I thought I told you to come down to dinner!" "I'm not hungry!" Hinata retorted. "You come out or I'll...I'll break down the door!" he threatened. "Master, I could be wrong, but that may not be the best way to win the girl's affections." Sai interrupted "Please! Attempt to be a gentleman." Sasuke pleaded. " But she is being so...difficult" Naruto argued as his anger grew. "Gently, Gently" Tsunade reasured Naruto sighed and attempted to ask again politely as he could "Will you come down to dinner?" "No!" Hinata bickered Naruto pointed at the door and looked at the three house objects with an "I told you so" face. "Sophisticated, courteous" Sasuke added. Naruto bowed towards the door "It would give me great pleasure if you would join me for dinner." "Ahem! we also say please." Sasuke interrupted "Please?" Naruto added bluntly "No Thank You!" Hinata shouted. "You can't stay in there forever!"Naruto yelled furiously " Yes I can!"Hinata shouted back "Fine! Then go ahead and STARVE!!!!" he roared with hatred.

He turned to look at the three servants "If she doesn't eat with me, then she doesn't eat at all!" he growled then stormed off to his living quarters and slammed the door behind him causing parts of the ceiling to fall on top Sai. "That didn't go very well at all, did it."Tsunade looked at Sai and Sasuke worriedly "Sai stand watch at the door and let me know at once if she has left her room." Sasuke ordered "You got it captian" Sai saluted. Sasuke sighed and walked down the hall along with Tsunade "Well, I guess we better go downstairs and start cleaning up." Meanwhile Naruto was still upset and angry that Hinata refused to eat with him. "I ask nicely, but she refuses. What a...what does she want me to do--beg?" he talked to himself. He picked up the magic mirror "Show me the girl" the mirror showed a disturbed Hinata talking to Sakura pleading " Why the master's not so bad once you get to know him. Why don't you give him a chance" "I don't want to get to know him!" Hinata snapped "I don't anything to do with him!". Naruto laid the mirror back down on the table and gloated "I'm just fooling myself" he spoke sympathetic "she'll never see me as anything...but a monster" as Naruto ran his hands through his fur in distress a rose petal fell off the rose "It's hopeless".

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