Chapter 10: The West Wing and Runaway

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   As Sasuke, Sai and Akamaru walked down the halls showing Hinata the ninja armor in the hallways. Sai noticed that she was about to go upstairs to the west wing, he nudged his clock companion and they caught up and blocked Hinata's way. "What's up there?" she asked "Oh nothing,  absolutely nothing of interest at all in the West Wing," Sasuke explained but Sai shook his head but Sasuke nodded to play along " Dusty, dull, very boring" "Oh, so that's the West Wing" Hinata rose an eyebrow. "I wonder what he's hiding up there." as she took another step "What?" Sai questioned "He's not hiding anything from you" he shrugged. Hinata still wasn't convinced  "Then it wouldn't be forbidden." She steps over them, but they dash up and block her again. Sasuke then got an idea that would suit her interest "perhaps you would like to see something else" Sai realized she has a passion for reading" We have a wonderful library" he offered, Hinata perked up "You have a library?!" "Why yes! It has thousands of books!" Sasuke answered "Mountains of books!" Sai replied "Swamps of books!" Sasuke rejoiced  "Books that are really rare!".

      Sasuke and Sai begin marching off, with Hinata following close behind, but her curiosity overtakes her, and she turns back to the West Wing. Her excitement begins to fall, though, when she enters the hallway leading to Naruto's room. As she walks down the hall, she stops to look in a mirror that has been shattered into several pieces, each one reflecting her concerned look. She reaches the end of the hall and finds a closed door with gargoyle handles. Taking a deep breath, she reaches out and opens the door. As she opens the door to the room, She is truly shocked by everything she sees, the bed was destroyed, and glass was shattered across the room.  She continues to wander around, looking, and knocks over a table, but she catches it before it crashes to the floor.

      She then turns her head and sees a shredded picture on the wall. Hinata reaches out and lifts the shreds of the picture to reveal the Naruto as a human. She turns her head and sees the rose under the bell jar. She walks over to it, her eyes never leaving it . She then lifts off the jar, leaving the rose unprotected. She reaches up, brushes back the strand of hair that has been repeatedly falling on her forehead, then reaches out to touch the rose. As she nears it, a shadow falls over her. Naruto had been on the balcony, and sees her leaving her scared . He jumps back into the room, then slams the jar back on the rose. He then turns his attention to Hinata growling.

   "Why did you come here?" Naruto began to grow angry "I-I'm sorry" Hinata trembled "I didn't mean any harm" "Do you realize what you could have done?" the fox shouted "Please Stop!" Hinata begged. Naruto started throwing random pieces of broken furniture around. "GET OUT!" he screamed, Hinata was in tears frightened and ran out of the room, the beast let out a loud roar "GET OOOOUUUUTTT!!!!!" Hinata ran as fast as she could leaving Naruto angered. He calms down, then becomes upset, finally realizing that he may have destroyed his chances with Hinata. Hinata reaches the staircase grabbing her cloak. "Where are you going?" Sai questioned "I can't stay here forever! I have to leave!" Hinata shouted as she opened the door, heading out  to the winter cold. "No! Hinata wait!" Sasuke begged but it was too late. 

     Hinata slams the door behind her. Sasuke and Sai both bow their heads in sadness. Hinata, and Kurama head into the dark forest leading back to the village.  Kurama suddenly comes to a stop. She looks up and sees a pack of wolves. She gasps, then pulls the reins and begins to flee. She runs from side to side, making the wolves hit the trees. Kurama jumps over the frozen creek and lands on the other side, as the wolves try to catch up but broke through the ice.  Kurama runs into a clearing, but becomes surrounded by the pack. He panics , throwing Hinata off and wrapping the reins around a tree branch. They begin their attack on him, but Hinata comes to his rescue and beats them away with a stick. One wolf grabs the stick in its mouth and breaks half of it off, leaving Hinata defenseless. Another leaps at her, grabbing the corner of her cloak and dragging her to the ground. She looks up and sees a one about to jump on top of her. It leaps and is caught in mid-air by Naruto. He throws the wolf away, then stands over Hinata protecting her.

    They lunge at each other

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

    They lunge at each other. One rips a hole in Naruto's shoulder, and the others focus their attack on that spot. Finally, he throws a wolf against a tree, knocking it out. The others turn and run in fear. He turns back to Hinata, looks at her despairingly, then collapses from exhaustion. Hinata, grateful to be alive, turns back to Kurama and begins to get back in the saddle, but her conscience takes over, and she walks over to the fallen beast. Hinata and Kurama walk back to the castle, with Naruto on the horse's back. When they arrived, Hinata begins to treat Naruto's wounds in the parlor, with pouring hot water out of Tsunade. She soaks a rag in the water, then turns to Naruto who is licking his wounds.

    "Here , oh don't do that." Hinata asked,  Naruto growls at her as she tries to clean the wound with her rag "Just...hold still" as Hinata pressed the rag on his wound Naruto roared in pain making the objects hide under the table. "That hurts!" he shouted " Hinata snapped back at him "well, If you'd hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much." "Well if you hadn't run away, this wouldn't have happened!" the beast retorted "Well if you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have ran away!" Hinata screamed. Naruto lifted a finger but couldn't think of anything "Well you shouldn't have been in the West Wing!" he snapped "Well you should learn to control your temper!" Hinata bit back leaving Naruto speechless. The objects crawled out from under the table, shocked that Hinata took charge. "Now, hold still. This may sting a little." Hinata spoke as she lightly pressed her rag on his arm. Naruto tensed up but then relaxed at the stinging pain. "By the way, thank you for saving my life." Naruto looked down on Hinata and spoke tenderly to her "you're welcome" she looked into his eyes and gave him a soft smile.

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