Chapter 36: Kita The North Guardian

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A/N The last two chapters of the arc now, finally.

Gohan POV

"So you're the last one then huh, take it you're the strongest too," I said.

"Indeed that is the case, I've been watching your fights with the others, studying your moves for this fight honestly though I didn't expect much seeing your fight with Nishi but seeing that little burst of power against Azuma, you've peaked my interest, I would like to see it for myself" Kita replied.

"In that case, I guess you won't be surprised at my victory" I smirked as I vanished behind him and threw a punch aiming for his head.

"Please that won't be the case, not in that form at least, show the power you used against Azuma," Kita said as he nonchalantly caught my fist.

"I'll build to that, for now, I'll give you the next thing," I said.

I powered up and transformed into a Super Saiyan.

Videl POV

That's it! That gold-haired form from before. What is that aura? He looks so powerful, even his muscle mass increased!

He moved quicker than I could even see, I didn't see a thing yet he was already right next to Kita, he threw a punch and Kita managed to dodge but the wind pressure from his punch still blew Kita back a little.

"Impressive, this power is better than I thought, but again you still need to do better" Kita smirked.

Kira rushed at Gohan at massive speed luckily Gohan blocked the attack but it still seemed as though it hurt his arm, Kita continued with a flurry of punches which Gohan successfully blocked and dodged but the last punch broke through his guard, knocking Gohan back a little. Kita charged at Gohan which Gohan managed to counter by catching him with a body blow and backwards hand-springed away from him, kicking him upwards in the process, Gohan followed him up and knocked Kita back down to the ground with a double axe handle. But Gohan now seemed tired like he had just gone 100%, did he put everything he had into that and Kita come out unscathed?! Kita got behind the tired Gohan and fired a purple blast at him knocking him forward, Kita dashed at Gohan and hit him with a massive knee to the stomach causing Gohan to regurgitate, he kicked his back downwards causing Gohan to smash into the ground.

Even with that power, Gohan is still getting beaten badly! Damn, we can't win if Gohan can't put up a fight then I wouldn't touch him, I'm of no use in this fight.

Oh, what's this? Gohan started giving an even bigger aura around him and his power increased, I could tell, his muscle mass increased and he looked more mature, with a serious look in his eyes, lightning started circling his body and his hair spiked even more than in his previous Gold Haired form. 

I was sent flying by Gohan's sudden burst of aura and before I knew it I was being held, he was that fast to catch me?!

I was planted on the ground and then he was already at Kita.

"You want to see this power? Come and try me!" Gohan said.

Kita attacked Gohan but Gohan seemed to dodge with ease, what the hell is he?! His power seemed like it had just doubled to his previous form!

Kita POV

This, now this is exactly what I want, one v one against someone who can actually match me in hand to hand combat! Amazing, what a beautiful site, I want to see more of it, MORE!

I attacked the boy with a multitude of punches which he blocked all of them, next thing I know he was behind me, he's fast, very fast, I have to be wary of this boy.

He went to attack me with his fist, I could sense, I turned around and countered the punch with one of my own, our fists were equal and cancelled each other out, we then went into a rush at each other, throwing countless punches and kicks, neither of us even bothering to block in the rush of adrenaline just attacks colliding each other's faces, it feels so satisfying. 

Gohan POV

Even in Super Saiyan 2, it only equalised it, I still may not be able to completely beat him, I feel like he's hiding something as well, a game changer, not sheer power, something else, something worse, I know he's at his full power now, I can feel it, just what is it he's hiding.

I leapt backwards and lunged at him with a kick that connected and hit him in the face. I kicked him up into the air with a trail of lightning following my leg.

Kita POV

Interesting but I haven't seen enough of that yet. The boy teleported behind me and fired some kind of yellow beam at my back which burned a little, but the attack was weaker than me so that's condition one completed. He kicked me through the air with a massive kick to the same area he blasted, impressive skill as well. He charged up that same yellow beam that hit me in the back, yes this will be the second condition completed!

The beam travelled through the air and collided with my body and it was stronger than me and oh that hurt but now I have it.

Condition 1.) The attack must be used when the blast is weaker than you.

Condition 2.) The attack must have done significant damage.

Gohan POV

Kita held his hands crossed above his head, this doesn't look good, not at all, it looks just like my Masenko stance! A purple orb was generating in his hands, just like my Masenko.......

"Have a taste of your own attack boy! With my own godly ki added for extra strength!" Kita Shouted.

"GODLY MASENKO!!!" Kita shouted loudly.

The purple Masenko was fired directly at me and it was huge, I tried dodging it but he turned it around? What?! The Masenko hit me head on and damn did it hurt.

If only I could find that power I used against Cell Junior......

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