Chapter 1: The Encounter

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Meet Son Gohan a young boy at the tender age of fourteen however he's no average fourteen year old that much I can tell you. Three years ago when he was only eleven years of age he faced Cell a monster who was threatening to destroy Earth through the loss of his friend Android 16 he attained unimaginable power and defeated Cell but only at the cost of his father's life and it was all because of his cockiness. He acknowledges this and he now lives his life bearing that guilt and grief. His father was a hero and he never expected anything from anyone else, he was selfish sure but a hero never the less a hero. There is only two things what get on Gohan's nerves himself and a man named Hercule Satan because of him neither him or his father got the recognition they deserve they weren't known as the heroes that defeated the monstrous Cell it was him who got all the credit and got rich off of the hard work we put in when all he did was get slapped into a mountain.

 There is only two things what get on Gohan's nerves himself and a man named Hercule Satan because of him neither him or his father got the recognition they deserve they weren't known as the heroes that defeated the monstrous Cell it was him who g...

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What is Son Gohan doing now you ask? Well he's out shopping like any other human being does (well in Gohan's case half of one).

Gohan's POV

The supermarket was so busy that oaf Hercule didn't help showing off outside either it just attracted more attention. I wonder what time it is? I pull up the sleeve on my jacket to check the time on my watch and the time is......19:30!!!! I better get home fast no time to waste. I start to hover to take off to the air but then look around me and see the massive crowd that Hercule attracted. Damn I guess I'll have to run but again I can't run too fast I'll draw too much attention, I'll guess I'll run normally until I get to somewhere I'm safe to take off. I speedily (well for human standards) run down the street and drifted around a corner and saw a girl I tried to avoid her but it was too late, I had already knocked her to the ground.  I brushed past her already but then forced myself to come to an immediate stop. 

I walked back to her and asked "are you alright miss?".  

She replied with "yeah I'm fine but watch what you're doing next time" she scowled then mumbled something under her breath but I couldn't quite make it out.

 "WELL ARE YOU GOING TO HELP ME PICK THIS UP OR WHAT?! I swear...." she shouted.

 I looked to the ground to see a spilled briefcase and a lot and I mean a LOT of money, just who is this girl? "Oh right yeah sorry" I said apologetically I got on my knees and helped her put her money back in her briefcase we sealed it we both looked at each other.

Now that I look at her up close she's really pretty she's got long raven coloured hair in a ponytail with sparkling blue gems for eyes that are as bright as the cleanest of oceans which compliments her hair perfectly, I always thought dark hair and blue eyes didn't work but looking at her instantly proved me wrong she makes it work perfectly. She's wearing blue jeans and a red top then I realised where I was looking when she was bending down.....Then I felt a blush start to emerge and I immediately shook my head to stop thinking about it after all I am a teenage boy. 

"Well I guess I should say thank you not many people would have done that" she looked up at me and her face turned beet red 

"W.....Wait a second WHERE WERE YOU STARING!!!" 'Huh' I felt a hand collide with my face, she stormed off in a hurry and ran. I get up but then realise she left her briefcase, *sigh* I'll take it back to her tomorrow I should be able to recognise her ki signature it's relatively unique but for now I have to get home now it's 19:50 my mom's going to be pissed.

A/N- Sorry it's on the short side, it just seemed like a good place to end off anyway this is a remake of a fanfiction I wrote last year which I never completed as I wrote it down in a book then lost that book.... but that was a remake of a fanfiction I wrote before which is still up on but it's very low quality and amateur but I'll put a link here if you're interested but the Teen Gohan and Videl lasted for one paragraph in that whereas in this it's going to be a whole fanfiction so I want you to kind of treat this as it's own thing completely separate.

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