Chapter 23: Eleventh Month At Gohan's

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A/N Thanks a lot for all the readers guys! Thanks for the 13,000 on and thanks for the 1,000 on wattpad! Having all these readers is unbelievable and it pleases me to know that there's so many people reading what I write.


Videl POV

I wonder what is there left of Gohan's training? There can't be that much more right? I mean I'm only here for one more month after this month and he's put me through everything from skill to speed, strength, intellect, defence and even survival! I wonder what is next?

"GOHAAAAAAAAANNN" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"What is it, Videl?" Gohan said drowsily slowly walking towards me drowsily whilst rubbing his eyes.



"*yawn* Hm? What?" Gohan mumbled.

He turned red as a tomato like he had came to a realisation. A realisation that he was on top of me....

"OH! I'm s...sorry Videl!" He stuttered.

"YOU DUMMY!!!" I screamed whilst covering myself and slapping him straight across the face.

5 Minutes Later

"I said I'm sorry Videl!" Gohan said as he was on his knees.

"Yeah, you better be!" I said as I kicked him to the floor.

"Well what is it you needed Videl?" Gohan said with a grin on his face.

"Hm. I just wanted to know how much training is left? Also what is next? I mean you've put me through every form of training thinkable" I asked.

"Only one more test to go!" Gohan said.

"Only one more? Well what is it?" I asked again surprised that there was only one more left.

"Sparring." Gohan said flat out.

"Sparring, but we've already done sparring" I said.

"Yeah but the last time we sparred was nine months ago (when I kind of heavily wounded you)....think about that and we both know how much stronger you've gotten since then" Gohan said.

"Yeah but honestly I still don't think it's enough to beat you" I said.

"Honestly, I don't expect you to I just want to see your current strength and skill I want to measure your progress last time we sparred your power level was around 32 which is astonishing for a human being in fact the average power of a human is 5 and now your power is tens of times stronger then back then" Gohan said.

"Power level?" I questioned.

"Yeah a power level is well what it sounds like it's the overall power of a being the combination of strength and speed" Gohan answered

"Wow, I had no idea that such a thing existed!" I said in wonder.

"Yeah there's a lot of things you don't know" Gohan said.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I shouted.

"Oh I don't specifically mean you I mean people in general there's a lot to be discovered hehe" Gohan said quickly with that family grin of his.

"Hm. Fine. But I have a question, what is your power level?" I asked.

"I'm afraid I can't answer the truth to that question, after all I don't want you quitting on me" Gohan smirked.

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