Anniversary Special

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A/N: Hey guys! So today 23rd February 2018 is the first anniversary of TE! A year ago today I published The Encounter a story that was a reboot of Gohan and Videl's Life mixed with a story I wrote in a notebook that got lost, I wasn't expecting much of it I just did it for fun, for the heck of it but now it has over 5000 views on Wattpad and 26,000 on fan thanks guys!

Gohan POV

A year ago huh, so much has happened in the past year, I met Videl, fought Cell Jr., killed Mr. Satan, trained Videl how to fight, fought some otherworld guardians, revived Mr. Satan, huh what a year it has been yet I still remember every part of it clear as day.

I remember when I first met Videl:

I was shopping at the store and it took so much longer than it should have due to Hercule appealing to a massive crowd outside, gathering every drop of attention until he rinsed the area clean of it, I got into so much trouble at home that day with Mom aha.....

That's when I met Videl honestly not the best first impression I knocked her over knocking the briefcase full of money on the floor and all the money along with it, I was going to help her pick it up and then once I looked up wow, I was absolutely mesmerised by her beauty, from her deep piercing blue eyes to her contrasting raven hair, it was all amazing to me and then I was welcomed with a strong slap to the face from my impulses aha. What a day. She ended up forgetting her briefcase which I had to hunt her down to give it back to her as well a grand doesn't come for free or in that case plenty of them.......

And next time I heard from her she had been spying on me and wanted to ask me a ton of questions......y'know I agreed as long as it was over dinner and then we beat the heck out of some bandits, that was fun, nice night out actually.

Then we sparred unbeknownst to us at the time this would be the first of many spars to come, of course I won and then she preceded to win against my Mom, after that is when the fight against Cell Jr. happened, I almost lost that match it was only the thought of Videl dying that allowed me to win the fight from attaining the new form, still need a name for that actually......maybe Super Saiyan Wrath? I don't know I'm bad at names. Then I used the dragon balls to heal Videl and then that is when I killed Hercule.....

Videl POV

A lot truly has happened over the course of this year, after Gohan killed Dad I went to live at his until we revived Dad, and I hated him for a good deal of it. I had him train me so I could become strong enough to beat him for killing Dad. But over that time I subconsciously warmed up to him, he trained me in everything: strength, speed, skill, survival, intelligence well okay tried to teach me intelligence it ended up with me kneeing him in the dick for it.

Then I was forcibly made aware of the difference in our strengths I ended up running away for a bit until he found me when we were ready to gather the dragonballs.

Then the next part happened and Man was it eventful, Nishi appeared the first guardian and I saw Gohan fight seriously well almost seriously for the first time it was amazing I could never catch up to that but in the end I ended up actually helping a little huh.

And then after that I had to take one on myself, Minami I struggled so much and she far outclassed me in speed and I was only a little stronger than her then she had that ability which made it even worse, it was only thanks to Afterimage and the gravity belt that I managed to win.

Then it was Azuma who put us in dream worlds which is what kind of awakened how I felt about Gohan really, I didn't see much of that fight as when I came to Gohan had killed him.

And the last one was Kita, that was how I really saw Gohan go at it, he went past even that normal golden hair form I caught a glimpse of before to a second one and even then Kita was still holding his own and when he was able to copy Gohan's Masenko and make it stronger Gohan was completely overpowered and then he killed me and as I was dying I caught a glimpse of Gohan's rage a new form and when I was revived Kita was dead, then we revived Dad and now we're here, a whole lot sure has changed.

Gohan and Videl

What a year it has been.

A/N I honestly had no plans on it being a summary chapter I kind of thought of some special scenarios etc. but somehow it came out as just this, sorry it ain't much and is just a recap, but seriously thanks for all the support, you can expect more although of course by the second anniversary The Encounter will be finished.

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