Chapter 2: Videl Satan

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Last Time on the Encounter:

Our male protagonist Son Gohan ran into a girl with an abnormal amount of money which she dropped he helped her recollect it into her briefcase and while he was at it he couldn't help but notice her looks as a teenage boy which earned him a slap in the face however......She forgot her briefcase!!! 

Videl POV

Who was he? What a perv. I come to a halt as I come to a realisation.....I forgot my briefcase. THERE WAS OVER A BILLION ZENI IN THERE!!! Oh my dad's going to kill me.....

I better run back for it, I run back to where I saw the spiky haired boy and look around for it. 

*gasp* It's not there!

That pervert must have took it! Oh no what am I going to do now? I better just go home for now.

Well at least my house is walking distance away it won't take too long to get home.

I sprint for around ten to twenty minutes and arrive home. I open the door, I think my dad is still out showing off and signing autographs.

I'll have to break the news to my dad later when he gets home.

I go to my room and lay in bed, contemplating about what just happened.

Questions burst into my head: Who was he? Why didn't he just hightail it as soon as he saw the money like most people would? What's his name? 

After exasperating myself with so many questions I laid back down with the back of my head as my eyes started to close.

Gohan POV

I awoke from my slumber as my alarm known as Son Goten went off.

He's my as of today three year old little brother as well as my personal alarm clock.

"Big Brother! Big Brother! Get Up! Get Up!" The little Goku look a like shouted as he climbed on top of my bed for the sole purpose of jumping on it to wake me up.

"I'm coming just give me five minutes little squirt" I said sleepily as I slammed him off my bed into the cushion next to it.

"Okay but you'll miss breakfast" he said as he ran off.

'What breakfast?' I thought as the whiff of mom's cooking started permeating throughout the house.

With this I immediately got out of bed and shoved some random clothes on so I could get to breakfast ASAP I run downstairs faster than the speed of light to be greeted with 50 plates of pure goodness I started drooling from the mere sight out of it, I immediately sat down waiting to be served. It was proportioned as fifteen plates to Goten, thirty four to me and one to my mother. Such sweet rich flavour burst into my mouth as I ate.....unfortunately it was gone in less than five minutes.

unfortunately it was gone in less than five minutes

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Videl POV

I woke up from my 'nap' to find it was morning already I got up showered and dressed and then realised that I still had to tell Dad about the money. 

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