33 {Bonus Chapter}

Start from the beginning

"Luke, five minutes go." His leader commanded as he nods leading a group into the building and setting up bombs along the way that will lead Zayn to them.

"Dawson, Rodriguez is the newbie in place?" They both nodded as Dawson moves from the back to driver seat and Rodriguez kept guard with others.

"Prepare for armed forces, they're not letting anyone escape especially zayn, he knows to much about us, " the man said getting cut off by gun shots.

He reached for the radio telling Luke to hurry with bombs. "Alright caption, last one is up." Luke said as everyone cleared and one by one exploded.

Zayn shot an officer still running down a long hallway confused on where to go till he heard a loud bang making him turn to see a huge hole in the wall that was about to explode again and ran as fast as he could shooting anyone in his way.

He didn't know who or why someone was trying to get him out of prison but all he knew he would go home to a family waiting for him or maybe to nothing but a gang who needed him either way he wanted to leave.

"Shit," zayn groan as a swarm of officers were guarding the door that leads outside pointing heavily armed weapons to him making him raise his hands in defeat.

"Gun down Malik, you ain't leaving prison." The main officer shouts making him roll his eyes dropping his gun and sliding it.

"I was not breaking out, I'm more confused than you are." He answer back.

Soon one by one officers begin to fall to the floor holding their necks in pain as they fell not able to move making Zayn hold his place not knowing what to do till a familiar voice was heard on the opposite side of the door.

"No worrie boss, Zayn is unharmed no hair was touched." Luke said into a radio once he opened the door. "Zayn! Missed me?"

"Actually no, your more annoying than I remember," He jokes making Luke groan moving his long hair. "Nice locks blondie." He comments.

Luke smiles shaking his head as he leads him out of the prison to where everyone waited for him as another siren goes off making the prison lock down and gun shots went off.

Both men rushed into the van as his men shot back protecting him, especially Rodriguez. "Ay, Zayn nice to see you, sorry we didn't come any sooner Dom wouldn't let us get you." he said as Zayn raised his brow in confusion.

"Dom didn't plan this?" he asked grabbing a gun helping the others as they load on one by one.

"Nope!" rodrguez shouts as he closed the bullet proof door and he tells Dawson to drive off.

"Hey Zayn!  Wow ten years does a lot to a person. " he jokes .

"Did you set this up?" He asked Dawson who shakes his head.

"I like how you asked your gang members who did it, and not your boyfriend who planed it all out who took about three years of doing so." Zayn turns to see a man with green eyes and short brown hair.

"Im sorry,  my boyfriend doesn't have tattoos or short hair like you do and he wears glasses not some gang member." Zayn fires back making the man laugh.

"You really don't remember me, ten years does a lot to a person baby," he said as he placed thick framed glasses on turning to zayn.

"What if I stutter?"


Hope this was a good enough ending and not to rushed :(  I thought of this last night and quickly wrote it before I lost it.

So their won't be a sequel usually I get asked about that and yes the man is Marcel just mature and is the one who took over the gang and wondering where Artemis is?  She's with Louis and his wife, he makes sure she doesn't see what they do.

James, Alison, Michael, and Calum hang out with Marcel still but try not to get involved or eles Marcel will throw a bitch fit about it.

Gemma is in school still and sees Marcel on weekends.

Sam?  Well he is not important

Niall and Cole?  Still married and adopted two kids.

That's it guys Glasses and Cigarettes is over!!

Thank you for sticking with me through out the year since I wrote this fanfic and I had fun.


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