Chapter Eighteen: Inheritance of Power

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~An hour or so after beheading the Dark Elf King, and burning his body~

"I still can't believe we, you, did it, Willa. And for the love of all that is holy! Please do not do that whole body glowing and floating above the ground thing again, well, at least not without a warning next time. I thought I had lost you. That he had done something to you we hadn't noticed he had done." Aidan still hadn't let me out of a two-foot radius of his own person. Between him and Boaldarg, I was surprised I could even breathe with the amount of body heat surrounding me in such a small proximity. "I'm fine Adian. I honestly don't think he would have been able to do anything to me anyways. It's like a well was tapped and all this power just came flooding from within myself. Like I tapped into an energy field of something."

"That's the, I suppose inheritance would be a good term for it? Passed to you, from your mother. She was the Queen of the NightShade Coven for a reason. I'll work with you more, now that we actually have time for training and that your full potential has been unveiled." I looked over at Eve who winked at me and walked over to sit next to me where I was seated with Aidan, Aquarius, and Boaldarg. I just looked at her with a look of confusion and looked over to get a sign of confirmation from my father.

My father though was still cleansing the rooms adjacent from the sleeping chambers we had slain the Dark Elf King in and wasn't paying attention to us at all. I had burned the Dark Elf Kings body, cleansed the ashes with water and used air to help dispose them back into the earth where the ashes belonged already. That, and however I had created the energy surge within myself, had drained me pretty good. I had almost passed out from dizziness and a sense of no energy. After that, I was contained to the center of the circle called Aidan, Boaldarg, and Aquarius. I was feeling better but still a little woozy. "Inheritance? My powers were inherited from my ma, and my dad?" I asked with obvious confusion in my voice. Inheritance usually means you get after someone dies. My mother had powers when she was still alive, as did I.

She taught me in secrecy up until the day she passed on, and then Eve took over. And from what I had gathered, my father was either dead or dying so that was a heavy if to that one.

"Yes and no. The power you just received, when you stated your claim a blood one right? THAT was the power that you were gifted before your mother passed on. She transferred her Gift of Light, which is passed down to that who rules the NightShade Coven, to you. Just as her mother had passed it down to her. She had wished she'd have been able to teach you how to use it, but that was not to be. And before you ask no. She would not have given you that power and her full power if she knew she would have pulled through. You were still so young and had many a lesson to learn first. But a las, the universe has a plan for us all and it's not always the one we think we should be following." I looked at Eve with a bit of sadness laced in with knowing. I knew my mother had done something, but I thought it was a protection of sorts when she did it so many years ago.

"I never knew. I mean, I did but I didn't realize she had done THAT."

"Tis what is tis. We can't very well dwell on the past we have to focus on the future. Now. We need to get going, your fathers already out cleansing the rest of the halls and such. We need to go check what is going on outside and help clean up and make sure all is tended to and released and healed." At this comment I, a little too quickly, got up. "Easy now Willa, you're still a little wobbly. Here, let me help you." Aidan tried to pick me up in a bridal style, and I pushed him back. I was not going to be carried like some weak, damsel in distress. I refused!

Mama, why don't you let me carry you? You can ride on my back and we can go fly and check on Eifel and see how she and the others fare. At this, I just smiled and nodded my head in agreement. My little dragon was little no more. He well stood taller than I and even Draken at his six foot three height. I glanced at my little dragon and had to take a second glance. The magic that had been swelling in the air must have aided his growing because he had grown another couple of feet since setting foot into this castle. "Aidan, would you help me to mount Boaldarg?" Aidan just looked at me with a confused and concerned look. "okay? Are you sure about this Willa? It will be your first time flying him and that usually takes practice."

"Don't worry. We're bonded for one, and we'll have Aquarius to help him learn. He's a really quick study. We can do this. It'll make it easier to cleanse the outer parts of the castle anyway."

At the mention, Boaldarg blew out a puff of smoke from his nose in agreement and Aquarius puffed her chest out as if to make sure everyone knew how capable she was at her intended task. "But what about..." The dragons just looked at him with a "really?" look and I gave him my best it'll be okay look. "Really Aidan. Why don't you ride Aquarius if you want to make sure I'm okay?" At this statement, Aquairius looked at me with a look of concern and disbelief. It'll be okay girl. He's really nice and he'll be gentle. He won't mess with your scales or sit where you don't want him. I reassured Aquarius and she settled down. Aidan walked over to her and let her sniff his hand. He reached it up to gently stroke her beautifully scaled cheek. "Are you alright with this girl? I know you've been through a lot and I don't want to add to it. Will you let me ride you, and keep Willa safe?" At this, she nudged his hand with her head and stood up to bump him with her front right shoulder. He let out a laugh, "all right then. I think she agrees. You had something to do with this didn't you Willa?" "I don't know what you mean?" We laughed as he helped me settle in the dent between Boaldargs shoulders. Once he made sure I was settled, he walked over to Aquarius and she knelt down. He mounted her and walked out into the halls to go to the main entrance of the castle. 

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