Chapter Three: The Journey Begins

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She looked back towards the north wall and realized she was only a yard away from it. When she turned back around she realized the townspeople had all but knocked the wall down trying to get into the arena. A few had their daggers in their hands and others had random items that she guessed were going to be used as weapons. She whipped around and darted towards the wall. "We've gotcha now girly. Yous got nowhere to run." shouted one of the men. "That's what they think," she told her hatchling through their connection as he snuggled closer to her. "Earth, mighty and strong, please open this wall for me, until I'm gone," she called out. She felt a breeze and then heard a scream come from behind her. As the scream ended, a hole just big enough for her to fit through opened and she darted through it. Once she was on the other side she thanked Earth for helping her escape. She heard someone on the other side of the wall yell something about her being a heathen and she couldn't help but giggle, just a tiny bit.

In another part of the forest....

I have to get to the tree. He thought as he thrashed about the forest, checking behind him to make sure he had lost the tail that had followed him. He had to make it to the Old Oak. She had to be there. He stopped. Looked to the sky as a breeze, that hadn't been there prior, whipped through the trees. It held magick on in its embrace, a soft and delicate, new magick of old. He knew this magick. Knew it very well, and hadn't been able to be embraced by it in many years. He knew she survived, he had to make it to the Old Oak. He had to see her again and make up for years lost. He tried to calm his racing heart and aching body. He had many miles yet to go, and if he wanted to make sure the lost tail stayed lost he had to be quieter and think more rationally than what he had been doing. He had to survive and not be captured again. He had to make it to Old Oak, where he knew she'd be waiting and he could make up for all the mistakes that he had made. He could catch up and start overall at the same time. He just had to make it to the tree in the deepest, most well-hidden part of the Enchanted Forest. And before he accumulated the tail again and wouldn't be given a second chance at freedom, love, laughter, and starting over.

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