Chapter Nine: The Truth Revealed

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"Well, we better go help before Eve comes over and scolds us. Even though she is my godmother I don't want to make her upset."

At this announcement, Aidan nodded his head in agreement to Willa. After they gathered Bouldarg up, they went to see what was needed to be done for the festivities. Dusk was approaching quickly and already some Weres had arrived and were helping lift and move the heavier items such as barrels of berry mead. When Willa approached Eve she had her arms full of leaf tapestries and her face was all scrunched up in concentration.

"Eve. Would you like some help perhaps? Or would you like me and Aidan to do anything else?"

"Oh! Willa. You startled me. Um...actually! You and Aidan can go into the forest and collect the piles of kindle and wood that was stacked up earlier. We need it brought to the woodshed near where the pyre is. I would ask the Weres but Mavis has them tending to the berry mead and I don't want to bother them. Just be sure you don't wander off and get lost. Stay on the path!"

"Okay. We can do that. Is there anything else or is that it?"

"That should do it. After that, there's nothing more to do other than bringing the rest of the food out, of which Percyium and Dalianah are doing that now. So, no. Nothing else after that. Once all of you bring the wood to the shed we'll be ready to start! Looks as if everyone is either arriving or has already arrived already anywho."

"Okay. Let's go, Aidan. I want to get back before the last rays leave the treetops."

"Sounds good to me Willa. Hey, where's your hatchling? There he he eating a rock?!"

"I told you he liked rocks hence why we named hi Bouldarg. He was attempting to eat a


"Makes a lot more sense now actually, but that cannot be healthy for him...can it?"

"Actually, it seems to be like a basic for him. It helps him clean his teeth and keeps him occupied. It's natural and not toxic so he should be fine."

"Okay, if you say so. Ya ready to go get the kindling and wood?"

"Yup, lead the way!!"


"Are you sure this is the right woodpile? Eve said it's not that far into the forest and that they weren't that big. This is like someone divided a tree into fours."

"This is on the path and near where we usually keep the cut piles before putting them in the shed. I don't see the kindling though? I could have sworn it would be here? We usually leave it next to or close to the wood piles. Makes it easier and we don't have to go treck all over the forest."

"I don't know Aidan. It just seems odd and I have a weird feeling something happened here, and it was nothing good. Or at least nothing good for us."


"Did you hear that? Willa, was that you or Boaldarg?"

"No. It wasn't me. Boaldarg, was that you?"

"No mama. But there's something out there. Over there in the trees, I see someone tall and bulky like. It's an elf I think. At least, it has a similar smell to you but not like the humans."


Willa Whisper yelled. He had started to tiptoe off towards the trees in front of them a few yards ahead. When Willa went to go after him they heard a crash and the sound of someone grunting and moaning.

"Aidan. Whoever it is hurt. Bouldarg said he say something that looked tall and bulky over there. He said he thinks it's an elf cause it smells like me but not like the humans from the village. We need to go see if it's okay. But we have to be careful, it's already almost completely dark and if we don't show back, Eve will have a fit. Not to mention everyone will be distraught."

"Okay. Stay behind me in case they're Dark Elf. We don't them seeing us, especially you.

"Oh please. If anyone would give us away it would be you."

Willa said this then stuck her tongue out at Aidan and sidestepped around him to go investigate.

As she got closer to the trees she heard panting and gasping. She got this odd sensation at the base of her neck. When she reached the trees she saw a man clad in the Elvin royal knights garb. You could tell he had had to fight for his tunic was ripped and the hem was frayed. He had wrist guards and one shoulder piece. Other than that he was clad in trousers that had seen better days and boots that were covered in mud. Not to mention were more than likely soaked. As she did a mental check on the elf, she heard Aidan come up behind her. Willa held up her finger to her lips and made an "shh" motion. She had a feeling this elf was friend not foe, but she didn't want to risk it...That was all foiled when she heard an odd sound and then the elf let a feeble sound of agony. She looked at the elves feet and notice Bouldarg leaning into the elf with his front feet braced on his shoes. His neck was elongated and his little snout was moving as he sniffed the stranger.

"Mama! He is of you! He smells like half of you! He needs a bath...he smells of pain and sorrow and filth. Blood is on him, he bleeds from the wound. Mama. He is good, he needs our help."

"Boaldarg, come here. You're scaring him. Aidan, Boaldarg says he's friend, not foe and that he is,... of me? I don't know what he refers to but he is insistent we help him."

"Okay. You check him out and I'll make a pulling cart so we can bring him back so the healers can look at him."

"Okay. Hurry though. He said he's bleeding."

While Aidan left to go get logs to make the pulling cart Willa went forth to the injured elf. She had to pry Boaldarg from the poor males shoes because he was so intent at staring at him and smelling him.

"Sir. Are you ill? Can you speak, and tell me your name?"

Willa was gentle as she could be as she reached down and took the male's hand in hers. As soon as his hand was in hers she got this sense of connection. Of reconnecting to someone who she had not been connected to in a long time. She had this sense of protection and love. She closed her eyes and breathed in. Centering herself and connecting to her elven side. She gasped as recollection came to the forefront of her mind.

"It couldn't be?" She let out on a shaky breath and fell back on her haunches.

"My...(cough) my name is Draken. (gasps) I am a Royal Knight of the Elven kingdom Dru...Druantia. at Old...Oak. Plea...please, take to her."

After he spoke this sentence the male elf passed out from exhaustion and pain, leaving Willa in a stupor herself.

Willa could not believe the words she just heard. Her father's name. Her father's name, that which was Draken, just came out of the chapped lips of this stranger. A stranger that claimed to be Draken himself. She hadn't heard that name spoken out loud in many moons, not since before her mother had passed. She never thought she would ever hear it again spoken aloud again.

"Willa! Are you alright?"

Aidan had arrived back with the pulling cart and was looking worriedly at Willa. She was paler than usual and shaking slightly.

"I think this is my father...? We need to get him back to Eve NOW. She needs to help heal him so we can ask him what happened. And we must figure out what he means by the fact he is "Draken". We need to get back as of now."

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