Chapter Six: Food?

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Willa gave a sidelong glance at Bouldarg and nodded her head at Eve. As if on cue her hatchlings stomach let out a gurgle of annoyance. "Mama. I'm hungry. Can we eat please?" Both Willa and Eve let a bubble of laughter. "Yes. We can little one. What would you like to eat?" Eve looked at Bouldarg with a curious, yet concerned expression. "Um...I don't know." Bouldarg stared at Willa with a look of confusion on his tiny brown dragon face. "What am I allowed to eat?" This made both Eve and Willa stare at him with a look of disbelief. It never occurred to Willa that her hatchling wouldn't know what to eat, let alone what was food and not food. " can eat food. Do you want some berries, or we can find some meat for you to eat." At this comment Bouldargs face brightened and he got very excited. "Well, there is a river right through these trees on the way to Old Oak," Eve said looking at Willa. "That's perfect Eve! Wait, do you have any line I can use to make a fishing pole? I can attach it to a sturdy limb and use a pebble as a weight." "I should have something in this pouch of mine. Would twine be okay?" "Perfect" 

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