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I mope back to my apartment. "You're back early. Guess it didn't go to well?" Evan asks when I come in the door.

"I didn't even make it to her," I confess.

1 Month Later
I sit in my room and scroll threw my Instagram feed. I see a photo and Logan and Chloe on Chloe's account. They're all cuddled up next to each other. The caption says, "love ya Logie! so glad I'm yours!" That's enough social media for me.

I sit in my room, staring at my ceiling. There's so many thoughts racing through my head.
I already miss him. It's impossible to get him off my mind. Why? He'll never be mine. It's my fault too. I keep pushing him away... why? I want him, so why do I keep pushing him away?

It's been an hour, and I'm still sitting here. I think I might've come to a conclusion of why I won't let myself be happy. I think it's because I'm still mad at myself for the car accident. Raina wouldn't have died if I would've said sober and been a good designated driver, but I wasn't. I had to have a drink and then let Raina drive.

I'm crying now. You know what, I'm not going to stop my life over some guy!

I pull myself up from my bed and head out of my apartment.

I lay in my room and stare at the ceiling. I still miss Ayla. I decide I can't just lay around and be sad all night, so I leave to go on a run.

When I finally reach the safety of the elevators they don't even go down a floor before they stop again. You won't believe who gets. Ayla.

The elevator doors open. My eyes pull themselves to the person standing in the elevator, the one, and only, Logan Paul. There's an awkward silence as the elevators close trapping just me and him in them. Logan pierces his lips together. No, I can't look at his lips!

Logan opens his mouth to speak when all of the sudden the elevator jolts to a stop flinging us into each other.

I look up into his icy blue eyes. He looks into mine. His arms are wrapped around my waste now. It's so tempting, but I can't. I turn around and shimmy over to the corner of the elevator and sit down.

Why does he have to be with Chloe now? Why can't he be with me?

I begin to hyperventilate. I hate being in small spaces, but being trapped in one is way worse than just being in one for a couple seconds.

Logan walks over to the elevator buttons and hits the emergency button. He then comes up next to me. I look up at his face, mascara and tears streaming down mine. He gives me a sympathetic smile before sitting down next to me and pulling me into a hug.

This little moment reminds me of when Mack and I broke up and Logan was there to comfort me. When we sat on his couch, even hours after Chloe left. Hours after Evan went to bed. I miss that... I miss him.

I pull out of the hug and look up at Logan. "It's okay, Ayla. We'll be out of here soon," Logan reassures me. He wipes the tears from under my eyes. Then leans down. I look at his lips. He looks at mine. All of the sudden we share a sweet, simple kiss. Then Logan leans against the wall. I lay on his shoulder and slowly fall asleep.

I wake up to light coming into the elevators and someone lightly shaking me. It's Logan. "Hey the elevator is running again."

"Oh... okay," I say as we both stand up.

"I hit the lobby button because Chloe was worried about me," He tells me. Great. Now I have to see her.

The elevator doors ding open. Logan walks out and is met with Chloe running to him and engulfing him in a hug. I just stood there in the doorway of the elevator. Unloved. While Logan's talking to Chloe he turns and points at me. I wave when Chloe looks over after he points. Logan keeps looking back at me as him and Chloe are talking. His eyes look sad. I step back into the elevators and let them close.

ayo! did u enjoy the chapter? lots of drama started!! i'm excited for you to read the next chapter! comment if you liked it! i really enjoy reading your comments. they make my day. until next time,
xoxo meg

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