On the last week of September, we had finally arrived at the Land of Water. Kioshi had said that it would take another week or so to arrive at Haruki's house. So the last of the remaining week of September we spent walking. It was very interesting to see so many places in this world that I once thought weren't real, but I must admit that it was pretty amazing to see new things.

Kioshi and Madoka, although subtle, were making us take longer routes than usual. My theory was that they didn't want me to see the state in which this country was in. I did in fact remember in the anime/manga when Team Seven went on the wave mission. The state in which that village was like made me very sad and the feeling only worsened now that this was to become my new life.


The first week of October was exciting. We had finally arrived at Haruki's house and I was flabbergasted. His house, which I had imagined to be as normal as ours, was more of a traditional clan house. I figured he liked the traditional style over the modern one but it still surprised me.

We were welcomed inside by what looked like ninjas. My guess was that he had body guards around the area. We were quickly led inside the house, going through the nice long hallways until we came to a stop. The guide opened the shoji doors and smoothly motioned us inside. An elderly man sat inside the room, and I knew he was Haruki from the memories I had seen before.

At first glance the man looked strict and cold, but once he laid eyes on us, his whole demeanor changed. He grinned widely and his once stone cold eyes filled with so much feeling. He sat comfortable on a blue pillow by a finely crafted rosewood table. A white ceramic tea set was on the table and he sat there with such an impressive look.

"Welcome Home! Oh little Sakura! Come here, you've grown so much!" He stated happily with his arms open in invitation. I could tell right away that Madoka and him were related without having been told. They had similar features and although his eyes held some silver they were still blue like Madoka's. I walked out in front of Madoka and bowed in front of the man.

"Hello granddaddy." I said formally. From what Madoka and Kioshi have told me, he was a man whom liked etiquette as much as Madoka. I did try and keep my voice soft and mimicking that of a worried child's. It must have worked since he smiled and came over to me.

"My sweet little Sakura, how have you been?" He asked me before kneeling down to my eye level.

"Great, granddaddy!" I said as he gently picked me up. It was awkward for me at first, being in the arms of someone new. However, the way in which he tenderly held me made me realize how much he truly cared then words ever would.

"You speak so well for a child your age. Has your mother been teaching you?" I nodded and smiled at his question while he smiled in return.

"Come, let me show you around Sakura. I am sure you don't quite remember anything." We spent the whole afternoon having a tour of the place and talking about our travels so far. Dinner went by pleasantly and during that time I found out that Haruki was skilled at not only baking, painting, but swordsmanship. He told me that he used to be a samurai. From then on he found out from Kioshi that I was in the process of learning the ways of a ninja; and when he asked me if I wanted to learn how to wield multiple weapons, I practically jumped at the chance.

The rest of the first and second week we spent practically alone. Haruki was attending a meeting for who-knows-what, so we just had our regular trainings. We trained in the numerous gardens that he had; and Inner made sure we remembered the whole layout of the house.

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