These haunted nights

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These haunted nights

Haunted by my memories

Tear me apart

They terrify me

Nights are when the thoughts get bad

No one is here

I'm alone








And other horrible words fill my head

Then the memories begin

The flashbacks begin

The images flash through my mind

The voices of people who've tortured me speak

The people I see have scarred me

They've harmed me more

Than I can harm myself

People who shouldn't harm me

Have hurt me more than anyone

My mother

Someone who's supposed to love me

Has hit me more times than I can remember

She's said things to me

I'll never repeat

My uncles and their friends

Have done things far worse

Their hands have touched me

In places they should've never been near

They'd hit me if I yelled

So I stayed silent

And cried as I look away

For years this went on

From as young as the age of 8

But that's not the worst part

They've attempted rape

7 times on me

Never succeeded

But what if they did

That thought scares me

It's given me countless nightmares

These things that've happened

All go unnoticed

No one believes they've happened

I've given up telling

No one believes me

So what's the point?

These things that've happened

Replay in my mind

During these haunted nights

Haunted by the memories

Suicidal, depressed, broken, selfharm, dark poetryWhere stories live. Discover now