Fake it 'till you make it

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Smile that fake grin

Release that fake laugh

Make them believe in your act

Always keep your walls up

Never let them drop

Isolate the real you

Hide yourself from harm

Only come out when they're asleep

For in the wee hours of the night

You silently cry

Choking on sobs

Shaking hands

You find you're best friend

That sharp piece of metal

With your shaking hands

You make the first cut of the night

And another

And another

And so many you've lost count

You finally stop

With a shaking body

And blurred vision

You rinse the blood off in the bathroom sink

A few minutes later

While laying in bed

You find you're self silently crying

Thinking about what you've become

While waiting for sleep to come

But it never does

When everyone's awake

You put up the walls

And put on your disguise

Your fake smile

You know, the only one you know

The one that doesn't reach your eyes

The one everyone believes

You fake happiness

After all

Gotta fake it 'till you make it

Suicidal, depressed, broken, selfharm, dark poetryWhere stories live. Discover now