Safe Haven

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I didn't stop running until I reached the barn. Noone ever came here except the servants. My head was pounding. My heart was bruised. The veracity of the whole situation came crashing down on me. It was happening again. My life was being yanked away from under my trembling feet. After loosing all form of hope, and building it from scratch. Brick by agonizing brick. It was crumbling before my very eyes. I was going to become a divorcee before I even reached eighteen. Where was I to go. I had no place back home. What will happen to Mama and the baby. What about Ziad and his school. I could still see his face illuminated by happiness as he told me about going back to school. Even though they threw me away. I do want them to be happy. And if the Anubis decided they were done with me. They had to be done with my family too. I was lost again. Alone with no where to go. How did my life become a roller-coaster of unending sorrow. I miss my quiet little life. I miss those times when life was simple enough to make perfect sense. When my heart knew not turmoil. Or hear break. Or rejection. Now it knows nothing but. Footsteps echoed in the quiet grounds. It must be him. He came after me. As the footsteps grew louder, I stood up and walked towards the sound. But it wasn't him. It was Adila. His grandmother. She looked livid. I stopped in my tracks. I didn't see this situation ending anywhere near good for me. She walked up to me and stood looking down at me as though I was a piece of dry rot. She was a very tall woman and underneath her piercing gaze, I quivered involuntarily. I took a step back from her and without warning she slapped me right across the face. I clutched my face in shock and pain. My mouth wide in surprise. My whole body started to shake. I tried to step back again to get away from her but she snatched my wrist.

'How dare you' She said through clenched teeth. Her nose flaring. I tried to wrench my wrist free but she tightened her grip. She was old but she had an iron grip. I could feel my skin bruising.

'Let go of me' I said trying to get out of her clutch

'How dare you' She repeated

'Firas has never disobeyed his father. Nadeen has never disobeyed me' She said her voice shaking with anger

'Let go of me' I sobbed. Hot tears were falling down my cheeks. I was terrified.

'Tell me. What spell have you casted upon my family you wretched tramp!

'She bellowed. I tried harder to release my wrist but it was like trying to unclench the jaw of a saltwater crocodile after it had set its teeth on its prey.

'Listen you witch, you will leave this house. Or I will end you' She snarled and swung my wrist away from her so violently I staggered backwards almost tripping. She gave me one last disgusting look and walked away nose in the air but breathing heavily. I broke into a howl of tears and sank to the ground. I cried uncontrollably. I cried until my eyes were nothing more than slits. I cried till I lost track of time. Till the tears were all gone and I was left with nothing but occasional whimpers. The sun was setting and it was getting dark. Summoning the last ounce of strength I had, I picked myself up and headed towards the main house. Thankfully I didn't meet anyone on the way. I slipped into our room and without bothering to turn on the lights, I rummaged through the drawer and pulled out clean pajamas. I went to the bathroom and took a shower washing away all the filth. But no amount of water or soap could wash off the dirty feeling crawling all over my skin. I felt drained. I dressed in the bathroom and stepped back into the room. It was dark already. I switched on the lights and let out a small yelp. Firas was sitting in the sofa.

'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you' He said looking aghast. I was very aware of my wet hair. I picked up a towel and wrapped it around my head. His eyes fell on my face and then on my wrist as I tried to tie the towel. He swore underneath his breath and moved closer to inspect me closely.

'Who did this?' He asked his voice quivering with anger. I didn't reply.

'Grandmother' He said simply and headed towards the door.

'Firas!' I called after him. He didn't stop.

'Please' I started crying again. He stopped. And turned around and walked back to where I stood.

'Hey' He said tenderly. Tears kept pouring down my cheeks. He took my bruised wrist and pulled me towards the bed. I noticed there was food on the bedside drawer. As of on cue, my stomach gave a huge embarrassing rumble. He didn't laugh.

'Eat' He ordered. I pulled the bowl of ful medames and began to gobble it down. I was too hungry to even care. He waited patiently until I was done. He picked up the tray with his good hand and put it outside the door. One of the maids will take it away. He came back slowly. His left hand deep in his pocket. He seemed agitated. He wanted to say something. I could tell.

'Menna' He said softly.

'I am so sorry I didn't go after you earlier. This is the second time I've left you hanging' He said still standing.

'It's okay Firas.' I said. My voice sounded foreign even to my ears.

'No its not okay. I.. ' He stopped mid sentence. I had started crying yet again. I was worse than mama. He bent and squatted in front of me. I had to look at him now. He looked so conflicted.

'You should do what your father says Firas' I said between sobs. I wish I could stop the tears.

'Menna, I have no intention of divorcing you.' He said clearly. I didn't say anything. He kept looking up.

'Do you wish to go?' He asked desperately.

'It doesn't matter' I said wiping my tears in annoyance.

'It's all that matters' He corrected

'Look at me Firas.' I said, even though he has done nothing but stare at me all this while.

'I don't have a place here. Or back home. I just..... I'm so tired...' I broke off.

'Menna, you are the only thing that makes any kind of sense to me. I know I've been a crappy husband. But I want us to work. Please don't throw this away before we even start.'

'I don't want any trouble Firas. And I certainly don't want to draw a rift between your father and you'

'Let me deal with that, will you stay' He asked hesitantly. Very slightly I nodded my acquiesce. He sighed in relief and sat next to me.

'Come here' He said wrapping his arm around my shoulders. For the first time in a very long time, I felt safe. Wanted and very much alive.

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