Home Again

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Nadeen true to her words took me to see my family. I took notice of my surroundings this time. The drive to the airport was longer than I thought. And for a reason I couldn't explain, the House Of The Anubis was very separated from other houses around. It was by far the biggest and the most grandiose. We finally arrived and got into the private jet. For someone who had never entered a public plane before, I was curious to know how it was. But as I've have come to find out, this family did everything big. I fed my eyes. It was unbelievable how oblivious I was on the first flight I was in. I read all about them. About how a plane's engines are designed to move it forward at high speed. How that makes air flow rapidly over the wings, which throws the air down toward the ground, generating an upward force that overcomes the plane's weight and holds it in the sky. So it's the engines that move a planeforward, while the wings move it upward. It was amazing to experience it while my heart was not heavy with sadness. I smiled at myself. I was going to see Baba. And Ziad. And Mama. She must start to show now. I snuggled in my comfy chair and continued to stare out the window. Looking at the clouds. Feeling happier than I have been in several months.

We arrived at Abnub. And when we stepped down the stairs of the plane, I felt like my heart was as light as a balloon. I was home. I was where I belonged. I could almost hear the Locks Of Esna beckoning me towards it. But Nadeen's voice plucked me out of my reverie.

'We should hurry dear, we have to get back tonight' She said gently
I nodded solemnly. There was a driver waiting for us. We got in and I quickly realized we where not heading to our house. We were heading towards the suburbs of Abnub. Away from Esna. What was happening.

'Where are we going mother' I asked

'I thought you wanted to see your family habibaty. ' She said with a mischievous smile.

'But we are going the wrong way' I said confused. She simply smiled and refused to answer. We had completely left the area where our house was. We went so off course we were fast approaching areas I had never been to in my entire seventeen years. I didn't even know a place like this existed in Abnub. It was so clean and quiet. The flowers were lush and green. We halted at a particularly beautiful duplex. It was painted with white and a matching fence. It's flowers graced it in colorful shades. I could see two cars parked in succession inside the small compound. Someone sat on the rocking chair with a pipe between his lips. Listening to a small radio set. He was chubby and pot bellied. His mustache was as huge as I remembered. As soon as he heared us halt, he stood up. And without waiting for the driver to open my door, I ran pummel up to him and threw myself on him crying like a baby.

'Menna!' He said in surprise. Mama most have heard the hubbub because she came out dragging her huge self into the verandah. She let out a howl and came to hug me too. Next came Ziad. He didn't cry with us. He only smiled so broadly I thought his mouth would tear

'Hello little sis' He said. Through my tears I smiled. And then Ziad pulled me away from them and led me into the living room. Everything was in contrast with our former house. It was clean and organized. It smelled new and looking at Mama and Baba and Ziad, they seemed to carry themselves differently. I suppose it was the nice clothes. Nadeen was offered a drink. And Ziad offered me a tour of the house. There was a guest room complete with a bathroom downstairs. And upstairs contained three bedrooms. I obviously didn't have a room here. And like little arrows stabbing at my heart, I realized I was a guest here now.

'Life is so different now Men' Ziad said using the nickname I hated. But I felt myself smile instead.

'Mama has been going for every antenatal. And Baba has stopped being a road hog and I get to go back to school' He continued. I should be happy for them. They are my family after all. But deep down in my heart, where no one can venture into, I felt a stab of jealousy. They all seemed to be prefect happy without me.

'But Baba loves being a coach man' I said following behind Ziad into his room. It was plain. But very elegant. His bed wasnt too small or threadbare like his former. It was plush and efficient. Feeling like I'd had enough, I beckoned him to go back down stairs.
I sat beside Baba leaning my head against his shoulder. He looked even fatter. Nadeen and Mama were discussing about the baby. Apparently mama was due in two months. I didn't participate in their conversation. I only held Baba's hand and basked in the knowledge that he was right here next to me.

'Menna will stay the night wouldn't she' Baba said slowly. Cutting across Mama's small talk. I tensed beside Baba and quickly looked at Nadeen. Pleading with my eyes. She sighed and smiled. I knew she didn't plan on spending the night. But she said regardless

'Of course Nile, I'm sure our Menna has missed home so much.'
I beamed at her. She stood up and said she had to go. Refusing Mama's offer for her to sleep here too. She said she had relatives she had to visit. And that it was long over due.

Mama fussed over me like I was two.

'You look ever so thin Menna'  She chided. Holding my hands. I smiled.
She took off my scarf and began brushing my hair.

'Mama, you should be resting' I complained. 'I'm not a child anymore you know' 

'Shhhhh Menna. You will always be my baby' She said

'Thanks Mama I said' Smiling again

'How are things with Firas' She asked hesitantly

'I don't know mama' I said feeling a sadness envelop me. I haven't seen him for months. And he never once wrote to me again.

'Please Menna. You have to be strong. And patient. You have to put up with him. We really need you there' She said.

'I have no intention of leaving. Not anymore anyways. So you don't have to worry they would cut off your supply of unending stipends.' I said. My anger surfacing faintly

'That's not what I meant Menna' She said starting to tear up

'Well what did you mean then Mama' I asked icyly. She never asked how I was. Or apologized for throwing me away. Still she wanted me to stay there. Happy or not. Without waiting for her reply, I stood up and left the room. Baba was standing outside the room. He had obviously heard what I said.

'Listen to your mother Menna. I didn't love your mother when I married her. But now.....  Love can grow' He said gently

'What if it doesnt' I said. And went straight for the guest room.

Hey guys. Thank you so much for reading this. PLEASE vote if you like the story. And you can write to me too. I love hearing from you guys. Thanks again. Love you so much. MUAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

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