“My brother killed my whole clan,” he admitted.

“I know,” I said softly.

“He left me alive so that I may become an avenger and kill him,” he continued. He paused and grabbed my arm, stopping me also. “I want to fight you.”

“After this mission,” I agreed.

He nodded satisfied and released me. “Are you going to avenge your clan?”

I smiled slightly. “It’s being taken care of.”

He frowned. “You killed them already?”

I shook my head. “No, but I’m going to help the guy who said he will avenge my clan.”

“Why don’t you do it yourself?”

“Because he’s stronger than me,” I replied.

Mahna mahna.”

Sasuke and I glanced at each other, confused.  Our eyes scanned the surrounding area as we slowly began walking once again.

Do do be-do-do.”

“What is going on?” Sasuke asked.

Mahna mahna!”

Do do-do do!”

“Who is that?” I wondered, the tune was oddly familiar.

Mahna mahna!”

“Do doo be-do-do, be-do-do, be-do-do, be-do-do-doodle do do do-doo do!”

“Mahna mahna mahna mahna,

 Meh naahh ump nump.

Meh neh ump ump, Na ump nump ump.

Mehh nehh...?”

We followed the sound and peered through a bush into a small clearing to see Shadow and Dawn singing. Shadow’s voice slowly faded because of the glare Dawn was giving him.

“Mahna mahna,” he sang.

“Do doo be-do do!” Dawn chorused eagerly.

“Mahna mahna!”

“Do do-do do!”

“Mahna mahna.”

“Do doo be-do-do, be-do-do, be-do-do, be-do-do-doodle do do do-doo do!”

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