"Luke, I thought King Cazne and Queen Daesha has a son."

Luke nodded.

"They do, but Prince Dinek gave up his title a few years ago to marry a young peasant Twi'lek. Now they're twelve year old daughter Princess Nima is their only heir." Luke explained.

Raina nodded. "So when do we leave and what's the plan?" She asked.

Luke leaned forward and clasped his hands together. "We'll be leaving for Mustifar in the morning and as for the plan. . . We go to Mustifar sneak into the facility where they r keeping the princess and try to sneak her out without anyone noticing." He told Raina.

"But what about the two spies? Don't we need to arrest them?" Raina asked.

"If it was only that easy, but I'm afraid it's not. You see, because it's a Imperial planet that means they could have taken her to a place heavily populated by Imperial sympathizers or even an Imperial sympathetic factory. Maybe even a base." Luke explained.

Raina nodded, understanding.

"So if we went in and tried to arrest them, other Imperial sympathizers could find out and send re-enforcements." She nodded now understand the problem.

Luke nodded.

"Which would put the whole mission in jeopardy. No we can't do that. We have to get Princess Nina out of there unharmed and without any Imperial interference."

Raina thought for a moment. How could they go into a heavily Imperial populated area and not be found out?

"Luke, how do we rescue the princess without Imperials finding out that we are there?" She asked.

"We do something the Old Jedi Order never did."

Raina raised an eyebrow at Luke.
"And what is that?"

"We go under cover." He told her as a matter of fact.

She felt a smile form on her lips and she arched an eyebrow at him. "You mean like how you and Han  'went under cover' to rescue me and Leia?" She asked with a smirk.

For a moment Raina saw a spark of the old Luke. Luke rolled his eyes and smiled. He turned his face away form her as she saw a blush creep up his neck.

He looked back at her with an annoyed look.

"We were very inexperienced, very outmatched and very young. Things are different this time." He assured her.

Raina nodded, turned her head and smiled.

"More like you were very inexperienced and you were very young." She mumbled.

"Hey! I wasn't he only one who was young and inexperienced!" He defended himself.

Raina smiled and looked back at him. "And Han was? If I remember correctly Han is almost eight years older than you and as for inexperience he had been smuggling around the Galaxy for quite a long time before he met you. You run into a lot of trouble that way." She shot back.

Luke opened his mouth to argue, but closed it and turned his head away from her, crossing his arms over his chest.

Raina laughed and shook her head.

She had missed these little banters. She sadly knew it wouldn't last long.

She looked back to find Luke already looking at her with a soft, thoughtful expression. His eyes widened. Luke looked down and cleared his throat. Raina knew that was the cue for the old Luke to be pushed back into the past once more. She sighed.

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Where stories live. Discover now